Block Shares

Block Shares
515304 515310 515319 515322 515357 515400 515435 515444 515454 515467 515471 515495 515542 515545 515608 515653 515683 515762 515763 515781
Expected 921 861 919 921 643 714 985 1405 1237 1176 1034 802 1027 784 732 657 1015 471 449 1326
Actual 32 385 363 146 2055 1893 1091 241 554 438 265 1261 1812 184 2192 1897 1087 3478 1 420
Average 1176 1167 999 975 1167 1220 1212 749 789 720 743 831 976 979 993 994 993 1317 1262 1260

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 462,572 156001 155846 155 0.9933 634096495 633457663 99.90% 5017123.1468276 33.72%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 1 1 0 0.2591 1061 4778 450.33% 12.5 0.69%
Last 7 Days 1,008 20 20 0 0.2654 21745 32721 150.48% 250.00001041 1.98%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 139 139 0 0.2320 132076 149904 113.50% 1737.50044364 3.45%
Last 12 Month 48,384 2316 2316 0 0.2943 2792218 2916907 104.47% 32012.5524935 4.79%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
515781 Confirmed anonymous 07/01 09:24:24 (UTC) 0.32 12.500000 1,326 420 31.67
515763 Confirmed anonymous 07/01 07:26:10 (UTC) 0.11 12.500000 449 1 0.22
515762 Confirmed xyuuak 07/01 07:25:58 (UTC) 0.12 12.500000 471 3,478 738.43
515683 Confirmed mini7114 06/01 16:36:30 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,015 1,087 107.09
515653 Confirmed anonymous 06/01 11:32:15 (UTC) 0.16 12.500000 657 1,897 288.74
515608 Confirmed anonymous 06/01 03:40:10 (UTC) 0.18 12.500000 732 2,192 299.45
515545 Confirmed anonymous 05/01 16:59:44 (UTC) 0.19 12.500003 784 184 23.47
515542 Confirmed anonymous 05/01 16:07:51 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,027 1,812 176.44
515495 Confirmed mini7114 05/01 07:37:46 (UTC) 0.20 12.500000 802 1,261 157.23
515471 Confirmed anonymous 05/01 03:02:37 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,034 265 25.63
515467 Confirmed anonymous 05/01 01:59:23 (UTC) 0.29 12.500000 1,176 438 37.24
515454 Confirmed mini7114 05/01 00:07:47 (UTC) 0.30 12.500000 1,237 554 44.79
515444 Confirmed anonymous 04/01 21:45:59 (UTC) 0.34 12.500000 1,405 241 17.15
515435 Confirmed kimhmg 04/01 20:40:54 (UTC) 0.24 12.500000 985 1,091 110.76
515400 Confirmed mini7114 04/01 15:57:17 (UTC) 0.17 12.500000 714 1,893 265.13
515357 Confirmed anonymous 04/01 07:58:07 (UTC) 0.16 12.500000 643 2,055 319.60
515322 Confirmed anonymous 04/01 01:29:12 (UTC) 0.22 12.500211 921 146 15.85
515319 Confirmed kimhmg 04/01 00:56:04 (UTC) 0.22 12.500000 919 363 39.50
515310 Confirmed kimhmg 03/01 23:35:14 (UTC) 0.21 12.500000 861 385 44.72
515304 Confirmed mini7114 03/01 22:00:47 (UTC) 0.22 12.500000 921 32 3.47
Totals 18,079 19,795 109.49
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.