Block Shares

Block Shares
516280 516353 516365 516366 516371 516372 516399 516418 516450 516463 516485 516509 516597 516649 516675 516688 516696 516698 516730 516782
Expected 655 741 817 829 796 740 1161 927 1065 1220 979 725 1166 945 792 786 777 715 1198 1925
Actual 4127 2498 229 40 128 33 806 612 1092 497 948 851 2846 2012 861 455 400 114 909 1640
Average 956 1190 1123 1052 1046 1014 885 922 960 1006 688 524 785 983 1056 1098 1057 1008 989 1104

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 462,571 156001 155846 155 0.9933 634096495 633457663 99.90% 5017123.1468276 33.72%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 1 1 0 0.2591 1061 4778 450.33% 12.5 0.69%
Last 7 Days 1,008 20 20 0 0.2654 21745 32721 150.48% 250.00001041 1.98%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 139 139 0 0.2320 132076 149904 113.50% 1737.50044364 3.45%
Last 12 Month 48,384 2316 2316 0 0.2943 2792218 2916907 104.47% 32012.5524935 4.79%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
516782 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 16:00:47 (UTC) 0.47 12.500000 1,925 1,640 85.19
516730 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 07:30:15 (UTC) 0.29 12.500000 1,198 909 75.88
516698 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 03:25:15 (UTC) 0.17 12.500001 715 114 15.94
516696 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 02:53:35 (UTC) 0.19 12.500000 777 400 51.48
516688 Confirmed xyuuak 14/01 01:05:27 (UTC) 0.19 12.500000 786 455 57.89
516675 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 22:48:48 (UTC) 0.19 12.500000 792 861 108.71
516649 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 18:24:20 (UTC) 0.23 12.500000 945 2,012 212.91
516597 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 08:43:40 (UTC) 0.28 12.500000 1,166 2,846 244.08
516509 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 17:43:08 (UTC) 0.18 12.500000 725 851 117.38
516485 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:58:14 (UTC) 0.24 12.500000 979 948 96.83
516463 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 08:47:06 (UTC) 0.30 12.500000 1,220 497 40.74
516450 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:35:43 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,065 1,092 102.54
516418 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 01:21:44 (UTC) 0.23 12.500000 927 612 66.02
516399 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 22:00:26 (UTC) 0.28 12.500002 1,161 806 69.42
516372 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:30:22 (UTC) 0.18 12.500000 740 33 4.46
516371 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:19:12 (UTC) 0.19 12.500002 796 128 16.08
516366 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 16:36:18 (UTC) 0.20 12.500000 829 40 4.83
516365 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 16:23:33 (UTC) 0.20 12.500000 817 229 28.03
516353 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 15:09:04 (UTC) 0.18 12.500000 741 2,498 337.11
516280 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 01:50:51 (UTC) 0.16 12.500000 655 4,127 630.08
Totals 18,959 21,098 111.28
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.