Block Shares

Block Shares
520634 520654 520667 520703 520717 520797 520837 520928 520951 520954 521061 521062 521063 521102 521119 521144 521169 521183 521188 521190
Expected 1516 1002 725 937 1043 846 1215 1064 1441 1440 1074 1371 1559 1114 937 1195 1172 1261 1479 1619
Actual 3036 2321 839 3436 966 2457 1447 2893 736 117 3994 5 16 1551 577 675 807 363 129 188
Average 1851 1945 1980 2082 2068 2027 1746 1981 2013 1825 1921 1689 1607 1418 1379 1201 1137 884 823 831

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 465,935 156129 155974 155 0.9928 634252662 633620469 99.90% 5018723.1488925 33.51%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 4 4 0 0.3376 5531 1487 26.88% 50 2.78%
Last 7 Days 1,008 39 39 0 0.3080 49200 55338 112.48% 487.50003254 3.87%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 143 143 0 0.2941 172269 188863 109.63% 1787.50207299 3.55%
Last 12 Month 48,384 2351 2351 0 0.2822 2717398 2854413 105.04% 31287.55218195 4.86%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
521190 47 left anonymous 15/02 22:04:12 (UTC) 0.40 12.500000 1,619 188 11.61
521188 45 left anonymous 15/02 21:03:02 (UTC) 0.36 12.500000 1,479 129 8.72
521183 40 left anonymous 15/02 20:20:33 (UTC) 0.31 12.500000 1,261 363 28.79
521169 26 left anonymous 15/02 18:18:14 (UTC) 0.29 12.500000 1,172 807 68.86
521144 1 left anonymous 15/02 13:48:49 (UTC) 0.29 12.500000 1,195 675 56.49
521119 Confirmed anonymous 15/02 10:06:48 (UTC) 0.23 12.500000 937 577 61.58
521102 Confirmed anonymous 15/02 07:01:39 (UTC) 0.27 12.500000 1,114 1,551 139.23
521063 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 23:17:37 (UTC) 0.38 12.500000 1,559 16 1.03
521062 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 23:11:44 (UTC) 0.33 12.500000 1,371 5 0.36
521061 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 23:09:47 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,074 3,994 371.88
520954 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 04:00:19 (UTC) 0.35 12.500000 1,440 117 8.13
520951 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 03:32:05 (UTC) 0.35 12.500000 1,441 736 51.08
520928 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 00:10:39 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,064 2,893 271.90
520837 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 08:16:55 (UTC) 0.30 12.500003 1,215 1,447 119.09
520797 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 01:50:18 (UTC) 0.21 12.500000 846 2,457 290.43
520717 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 12:01:22 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,043 966 92.62
520703 Confirmed StarAasta 12/02 08:37:15 (UTC) 0.23 12.500000 937 3,436 366.70
520667 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 03:11:54 (UTC) 0.18 12.500002 725 839 115.72
520654 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 01:22:29 (UTC) 0.24 12.500002 1,002 2,321 231.64
520634 Confirmed anonymous 11/02 20:12:01 (UTC) 0.37 12.500004 1,516 3,036 200.26
Totals 24,010 26,553 110.59
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.