Block Shares

Block Shares
504865 504867 504870 504878 504908 504936 505005 505008 505050 505051 505063 505068 505080 505083 505090 505120 505174 505178 505204 505223
Expected 703 700 616 806 716 733 1220 1232 1052 1012 1409 1104 781 717 570 1062 1122 976 791 1051
Actual 637 174 69 177 1206 2430 3442 257 1543 31 352 433 749 227 174 874 2252 195 1247 900
Average 855 772 779 732 746 965 1195 1014 1058 997 968 994 1062 1067 964 808 689 683 653 740

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 449,047 155018 154863 155 0.9983 633218218 632545772 99.89% 5004835.6409161 34.52%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.2567 1051 900 85.63% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 7 7 0 0.2193 6289 5869 93.32% 87.50000615 4.86%
Last 7 Days 1,008 61 61 0 0.1838 45914 46563 101.41% 762.50012214 6.05%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 235 235 0 0.1654 159183 176862 111.11% 2937.50954002 5.83%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1647 1647 0 0.4033 2720922 2790621 102.56% 27575.04721541 3.40%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
505223 137 left anonymous 22/10 07:27:35 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,051 900 85.63
505204 118 left anonymous 22/10 04:13:47 (UTC) 0.19 12.500000 791 1,247 157.65
505178 92 left a999apple99 21/10 23:43:08 (UTC) 0.24 12.500000 976 195 19.98
505174 88 left anonymous 21/10 22:52:38 (UTC) 0.27 12.500006 1,122 2,252 200.71
505120 34 left mini7114 21/10 13:08:06 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,062 874 82.30
505090 4 left anonymous 21/10 09:18:24 (UTC) 0.14 12.500000 570 174 30.53
505083 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 08:33:39 (UTC) 0.17 12.500000 717 227 31.66
505080 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 07:38:38 (UTC) 0.19 12.500000 781 749 95.90
505068 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 04:34:34 (UTC) 0.27 12.500000 1,104 433 39.22
505063 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 02:49:19 (UTC) 0.34 12.500000 1,409 352 24.98
505051 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 01:17:11 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,012 31 3.06
505050 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 01:09:10 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,052 1,543 146.67
505008 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 18:01:42 (UTC) 0.30 12.500023 1,232 257 20.86
505005 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 16:52:20 (UTC) 0.30 12.500000 1,220 3,442 282.13
504936 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 05:54:02 (UTC) 0.18 12.500000 733 2,430 331.51
504908 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 00:59:33 (UTC) 0.17 12.500000 716 1,206 168.44
504878 Confirmed anonymous 19/10 19:42:49 (UTC) 0.20 12.500000 806 177 21.96
504870 Confirmed xyuuak 19/10 18:53:43 (UTC) 0.15 12.500000 616 69 11.20
504867 Confirmed anonymous 19/10 18:35:06 (UTC) 0.17 12.500000 700 174 24.86
504865 Confirmed a999apple99 19/10 17:48:53 (UTC) 0.17 12.500008 703 637 90.61
Totals 18,373 17,369 94.54
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.