Block Shares

Block Shares
300258 300265 300267 300286 300294 300304 300308 300314 300319 300321 300322 300325 300329 300330 300333 300336 300342 300354 300362 300370
Expected 3236 3377 3324 2953 3395 3594 3718 3655 3841 4076 4550 4410 4272 4482 4699 3853 3613 3559 4678 4316
Actual 2343 3388 633 7740 2847 4329 1936 3375 2288 325 1927 952 1589 820 3462 2950 5445 3993 4501 5408
Average 3403 3501 3559 4091 3972 4218 3940 3637 2933 2920 2879 2635 2731 2039 2100 1962 2313 2375 2596 3105

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 425,031 154040 153885 155 1.0027 632026464 631303794 99.89% 4992610.6072084 36.24%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 7 7 0 0.2937 8420 11171 132.67% 87.50158776 4.86%
Last 7 Days 1,008 52 52 0 0.3781 80528 75986 94.36% 650.00835327 5.16%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 166 166 0 0.4258 289513 291622 100.73% 2775.00992058 4.12%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1043 1043 0 0.6170 2635907 2594180 98.42% 24700.03719426 2.16%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
300370 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 17:16:41 (UTC) 1.05 25.000828 4,316 5,408 125.30
300362 Confirmed a999apple99 16/09 15:40:47 (UTC) 1.14 25.000193 4,678 4,501 96.22
300354 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 14:18:57 (UTC) 0.87 25.000000 3,559 3,993 112.19
300342 Confirmed a999apple99 16/09 13:12:08 (UTC) 0.88 25.070814 3,613 5,445 150.71
300336 Confirmed a999apple99 16/09 11:46:06 (UTC) 0.94 25.000000 3,853 2,950 76.56
300333 Confirmed Kitti 16/09 11:00:24 (UTC) 1.15 25.000672 4,699 3,462 73.68
300330 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 10:03:22 (UTC) 1.09 25.011516 4,482 820 18.30
300329 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 09:49:18 (UTC) 1.04 25.000000 4,272 1,589 37.20
300325 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 09:20:43 (UTC) 1.08 25.000519 4,410 952 21.59
300322 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 09:03:34 (UTC) 1.11 25.010947 4,550 1,927 42.35
300321 Confirmed Kitti 16/09 08:29:43 (UTC) 1.00 25.000000 4,076 325 7.97
300319 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 08:23:53 (UTC) 0.94 25.001112 3,841 2,288 59.57
300314 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 07:43:14 (UTC) 0.89 25.000000 3,655 3,375 92.34
300308 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 06:41:02 (UTC) 0.91 25.000000 3,718 1,936 52.07
300304 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 06:05:30 (UTC) 0.88 25.000000 3,594 4,329 120.45
300294 Confirmed 2mb18noma 16/09 04:23:09 (UTC) 0.83 25.034714 3,395 2,847 83.86
300286 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 03:13:35 (UTC) 0.72 25.010521 2,953 7,740 262.11
300267 Confirmed a999apple99 15/09 23:56:16 (UTC) 0.81 25.000000 3,324 633 19.04
300265 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 23:39:24 (UTC) 0.82 25.003076 3,377 3,388 100.33
300258 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 22:12:46 (UTC) 0.79 25.000678 3,236 2,343 72.40
Totals 77,601 60,251 77.64
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.