Block Shares

Block Shares
305392 305394 305400 305405 305413 305415 305422 305432 305433 305436 305438 305441 305443 305445 305448 305453 305455 305459 305460 305465
Expected 6575 6434 8621 5898 4021 3962 4035 7670 8613 9434 8480 9700 8247 6963 7183 5876 5486 4407 3784 3159
Actual 4881 1966 9008 23955 6521 2835 2139 7942 464 3525 2084 2536 5610 7514 4819 9296 3065 14756 141 2865
Average 4793 4513 5256 7396 7685 7238 6200 6364 6140 6324 6044 6101 5761 4117 3947 4593 4686 5367 5335 5269

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,214 154081 153926 155 1.0026 632090821 631387658 99.89% 4993123.1073027 36.15%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.3453 8486 10187 120.04% 75.00000657 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 36 36 0 0.3820 56334 71618 127.13% 450.00008838 3.57%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 155 155 0 0.3957 251240 287485 114.43% 1987.50972469 3.84%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1065 1065 0 0.6019 2625504 2612521 99.51% 24737.53679062 2.20%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
305465 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 23:09:01 (UTC) 0.77 25.000229 3,159 2,865 90.69
305460 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 22:46:22 (UTC) 0.92 25.000000 3,784 141 3.73
305459 Confirmed Kitti 23/10 22:45:15 (UTC) 1.08 25.001146 4,407 14,756 334.83
305455 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 20:45:00 (UTC) 1.34 25.000000 5,486 3,065 55.87
305453 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 20:18:46 (UTC) 1.43 25.000000 5,876 9,296 158.20
305448 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 18:56:58 (UTC) 1.75 25.002326 7,183 4,819 67.09
305445 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 18:15:41 (UTC) 1.70 25.000000 6,963 7,514 107.91
305443 Confirmed a999apple99 23/10 17:13:12 (UTC) 2.01 25.000000 8,247 5,610 68.02
305441 Confirmed Kitti 23/10 16:26:14 (UTC) 2.37 25.000000 9,700 2,536 26.14
305438 Confirmed a999apple99 23/10 16:04:58 (UTC) 2.07 25.000002 8,480 2,084 24.58
305436 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 15:47:54 (UTC) 2.30 25.000000 9,434 3,525 37.36
305433 Confirmed a999apple99 23/10 15:18:26 (UTC) 2.10 25.000000 8,613 464 5.39
305432 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 15:14:31 (UTC) 1.87 25.000000 7,670 7,942 103.55
305422 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 14:07:16 (UTC) 0.99 25.000000 4,035 2,139 53.01
305415 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 13:50:04 (UTC) 0.97 25.002134 3,962 2,835 71.55
305413 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 13:28:20 (UTC) 0.98 25.000000 4,021 6,521 162.17
305405 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 12:37:56 (UTC) 1.44 25.000229 5,898 23,955 406.15
305400 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 09:28:30 (UTC) 2.10 25.000000 8,621 9,008 104.49
305394 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 08:20:52 (UTC) 1.57 25.000000 6,434 1,966 30.56
305392 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 08:06:21 (UTC) 1.61 25.000000 6,575 4,881 74.24
Totals 128,548 115,922 90.18
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.