Block Shares

Block Shares
309468 309469 309470 309471 309472 309474 309476 309477 309478 309479 309480 309481 309484 309485 309488 309493 309497 309498 309499 309503
Expected 2578 2463 2550 2492 2468 2064 2272 2479 2316 2546 2592 2488 2290 2252 2205 2354 2603 2468 2516 2098
Actual 3563 265 1585 579 2117 4291 1275 2934 942 441 1761 1188 3564 1424 1427 2265 7349 115 6708 3286
Average 2572 2509 2573 2605 2355 2461 2487 2419 2429 1799 1619 1711 1909 1994 1925 1722 2330 2048 2624 2909

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,818 154031 153876 155 1.0028 632014945 631287603 99.88% 4992498.1056206 36.26%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 8 8 0 0.4221 13832 7909 57.18% 100.00212753 5.56%
Last 7 Days 1,008 57 57 0 0.3871 90375 71805 79.45% 712.50677264 5.65%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 166 166 0 0.4310 293046 287631 98.15% 2887.50836688 4.12%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1035 1035 0 0.6202 2629353 2599417 98.86% 24612.5356065 2.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
309503 Confirmed a999apple99 22/11 10:22:48 (UTC) 0.51 25.000000 2,098 3,286 156.63
309499 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 09:53:29 (UTC) 0.61 25.000531 2,516 6,708 266.61
309498 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 08:51:47 (UTC) 0.60 25.000000 2,468 115 4.66
309497 Confirmed a999apple99 22/11 08:50:45 (UTC) 0.64 25.000000 2,603 7,349 282.33
309493 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 07:43:12 (UTC) 0.57 25.000000 2,354 2,265 96.22
309488 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 07:21:58 (UTC) 0.54 25.000000 2,205 1,427 64.72
309485 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 07:08:53 (UTC) 0.55 25.000461 2,252 1,424 63.23
309484 Confirmed a999apple99 22/11 06:55:40 (UTC) 0.56 25.000000 2,290 3,564 155.63
309481 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 06:23:04 (UTC) 0.61 25.000000 2,488 1,188 47.75
309480 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 06:12:13 (UTC) 0.63 25.002334 2,592 1,761 67.94
309479 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 05:55:44 (UTC) 0.62 25.000439 2,546 441 17.32
309478 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 05:51:32 (UTC) 0.57 25.000000 2,316 942 40.67
309477 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 05:42:50 (UTC) 0.61 25.000531 2,479 2,934 118.35
309476 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 05:15:31 (UTC) 0.55 25.000000 2,272 1,275 56.12
309474 Confirmed Kitti 22/11 05:03:48 (UTC) 0.50 25.000000 2,064 4,291 207.90
309472 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 04:23:20 (UTC) 0.60 25.000000 2,468 2,117 85.78
309471 Confirmed direngley 22/11 04:03:27 (UTC) 0.61 25.000000 2,492 579 23.23
309470 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 03:58:29 (UTC) 0.62 25.000000 2,550 1,585 62.16
309469 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 03:44:35 (UTC) 0.60 25.000000 2,463 265 10.76
309468 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 03:42:15 (UTC) 0.63 25.000531 2,578 3,563 138.21
Totals 48,094 47,079 97.89
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.