Block Shares

Block Shares
337019 337020 337021 337022 337023 337024 337025 337026 337027 337028 337029 337031 337032 337033 337034 337035 337037 337038 337039 337041
Expected 7083 7178 7260 8291 8442 7554 7362 6644 6540 6677 6795 6435 6071 6373 6538 6432 6313 5668 5593 6085
Actual 10562 6298 9389 802 25412 5707 17619 2240 429 2951 9548 13364 800 696 10599 6887 20581 1053 6806 3077
Average 7196 7160 7064 7061 8882 9097 10700 9828 8026 8141 8040 8746 7887 7877 6395 6513 6810 6691 7329 7341

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,860 154033 153878 155 1.0028 632018044 631292623 99.89% 4992523.1056206 36.26%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 8 8 0 0.4184 13709 9671 70.54% 100.00212753 5.56%
Last 7 Days 1,008 56 56 0 0.3894 89311 73994 82.85% 700.00677264 5.56%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 167 167 0 0.4306 294511 290723 98.71% 2887.50836688 4.14%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1037 1037 0 0.6198 2632451 2604437 98.94% 24637.5356065 2.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
337041 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:38:36 (UTC) 1.49 25.000000 6,085 3,077 50.57
337039 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:33:37 (UTC) 1.37 25.000000 5,593 6,806 121.69
337038 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:22:23 (UTC) 1.38 25.000000 5,668 1,053 18.58
337037 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:20:37 (UTC) 1.54 25.000499 6,313 20,581 326.01
337035 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 13:45:20 (UTC) 1.57 25.000000 6,432 6,887 107.07
337034 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 13:33:25 (UTC) 1.60 25.000019 6,538 10,599 162.11
337033 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 13:14:57 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,373 696 10.92
337032 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 13:13:44 (UTC) 1.48 25.000000 6,071 800 13.18
337031 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 13:12:20 (UTC) 1.57 25.000000 6,435 13,364 207.68
337029 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:48:53 (UTC) 1.66 25.000000 6,795 9,548 140.52
337028 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:31:52 (UTC) 1.63 25.000000 6,677 2,951 44.20
337027 Confirmed Kitti 11/06 12:26:34 (UTC) 1.60 25.000000 6,540 429 6.56
337026 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:25:46 (UTC) 1.62 25.000000 6,644 2,240 33.71
337025 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:21:49 (UTC) 1.80 25.000000 7,362 17,619 239.32
337024 Confirmed Kitti 11/06 11:51:31 (UTC) 1.84 25.009728 7,554 5,707 75.55
337023 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:41:52 (UTC) 2.06 25.000000 8,442 25,412 301.02
337022 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:01:11 (UTC) 2.02 25.000000 8,291 802 9.67
337021 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 10:59:53 (UTC) 1.77 25.000000 7,260 9,389 129.33
337020 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 10:45:09 (UTC) 1.75 25.000000 7,178 6,298 87.74
337019 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 10:35:18 (UTC) 1.73 25.000000 7,083 10,562 149.12
Totals 135,334 154,820 114.40
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.