Block Shares

Block Shares
338510 338511 338512 338513 338514 338515 338516 338517 338518 338519 338520 338521 338522 338523 338524 338525 338526 338527 338528 338529
Expected 5236 5547 5883 6213 6113 6301 6280 6375 6372 6360 6710 7233 7510 7717 8002 7946 8951 5900 5697 5751
Actual 7446 3142 913 6326 642 2357 9580 3459 79 755 8310 598 3169 6748 2471 9253 58672 5463 7646 13077
Average 7375 7612 5351 5342 5172 4360 3642 3748 3585 3470 3556 3302 3528 3570 3753 4442 9351 9552 10309 11541

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,679 154101 153946 155 1.0025 632126331 631418095 99.89% 4993373.1074206 36.12%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 8 8 0 0.4852 15899 10499 66.04% 100.00003264 5.56%
Last 7 Days 1,008 37 37 0 0.4037 61186 67449 110.24% 462.50015778 3.67%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 169 169 0 0.3972 274949 287050 104.40% 2112.50984258 4.19%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1081 1081 0 0.5984 2649364 2623490 99.02% 24887.53686258 2.23%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
338529 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 13:08:44 (UTC) 1.40 25.000000 5,751 13,077 227.39
338528 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 12:46:51 (UTC) 1.39 25.000000 5,697 7,646 134.21
338527 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 12:33:48 (UTC) 1.44 25.000000 5,900 5,463 92.59
338526 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 12:24:35 (UTC) 2.19 25.000231 8,951 58,672 655.48
338525 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 10:47:29 (UTC) 1.94 25.000000 7,946 9,253 116.45
338524 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 10:32:55 (UTC) 1.95 25.000000 8,002 2,471 30.88
338523 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 10:29:03 (UTC) 1.88 25.000000 7,717 6,748 87.44
338522 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 10:18:32 (UTC) 1.83 25.000000 7,510 3,169 42.20
338521 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 10:13:37 (UTC) 1.77 25.000000 7,233 598 8.27
338520 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 10:12:44 (UTC) 1.64 25.000000 6,710 8,310 123.85
338519 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:59:59 (UTC) 1.55 25.000000 6,360 755 11.87
338518 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:58:52 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,372 79 1.24
338517 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:58:41 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,375 3,459 54.26
338516 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:53:22 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,280 9,580 152.55
338515 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:38:22 (UTC) 1.54 25.000000 6,301 2,357 37.41
338514 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:34:45 (UTC) 1.49 25.000145 6,113 642 10.50
338513 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:33:45 (UTC) 1.52 25.000000 6,213 6,326 101.82
338512 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:24:03 (UTC) 1.44 25.000000 5,883 913 15.52
338511 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:22:40 (UTC) 1.35 25.000000 5,547 3,142 56.64
338510 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 09:17:50 (UTC) 1.28 25.000000 5,236 7,446 142.21
Totals 132,097 150,106 113.63
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.