Block Shares

Block Shares
338586 338587 338588 338589 338590 338591 338592 338593 338594 338595 338596 338597 338598 338599 338600 338601 338602 338603 338604 338605
Expected 10239 10883 10346 9776 9761 9574 9410 11688 11400 9960 10420 10024 10293 10730 10950 10521 10620 10434 10430 10465
Actual 365 11802 14197 1519 9136 20607 10062 10151 29098 2601 10556 914 833 2777 35425 985 5842 15104 5662 1921
Average 7033 5630 6868 7005 6464 7982 8264 8629 10699 10954 11973 10884 9548 9674 12302 10340 9918 10414 8070 8002

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,484 154091 153936 155 1.0025 632107075 631405926 99.89% 4993248.1073686 36.13%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.2942 1205 4598 381.58% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.3825 9401 9187 97.72% 75.00003491 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 36 36 0 0.3795 55956 68045 121.60% 450.00013509 3.57%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 162 162 0 0.3944 261706 285384 109.05% 2037.50979067 4.02%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1074 1074 0 0.5997 2637967 2624174 99.48% 24837.5368566 2.22%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
338605 Confirmed anonymous 23/06 00:32:02 (UTC) 2.56 25.001738 10,465 1,921 18.36
338604 Confirmed anonymous 23/06 00:29:45 (UTC) 2.55 25.000000 10,430 5,662 54.29
338603 Confirmed anonymous 23/06 00:23:02 (UTC) 2.55 25.000000 10,434 15,104 144.76
338602 Confirmed anonymous 23/06 00:05:15 (UTC) 2.59 25.000000 10,620 5,842 55.01
338601 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:58:34 (UTC) 2.57 25.000000 10,521 985 9.36
338600 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:57:24 (UTC) 2.67 25.000231 10,950 35,425 323.52
338599 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:17:51 (UTC) 2.62 25.000000 10,730 2,777 25.88
338598 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:14:46 (UTC) 2.51 25.000000 10,293 833 8.09
338597 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:13:48 (UTC) 2.45 25.000000 10,024 914 9.12
338596 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:12:48 (UTC) 2.54 25.000000 10,420 10,556 101.31
338595 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 23:01:05 (UTC) 2.43 25.000000 9,960 2,601 26.11
338594 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 22:58:13 (UTC) 2.78 25.000000 11,400 29,098 255.25
338593 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 22:26:25 (UTC) 2.85 25.000000 11,688 10,151 86.85
338592 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 22:15:21 (UTC) 2.30 25.000000 9,410 10,062 106.93
338591 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 22:04:22 (UTC) 2.34 25.000000 9,574 20,607 215.24
338590 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 21:41:47 (UTC) 2.38 25.000000 9,761 9,136 93.60
338589 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 21:31:53 (UTC) 2.39 25.000000 9,776 1,519 15.54
338588 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 21:30:13 (UTC) 2.53 25.000231 10,346 14,197 137.22
338587 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 21:14:52 (UTC) 2.66 25.000250 10,883 11,802 108.44
338586 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 21:01:52 (UTC) 2.50 25.000000 10,239 365 3.56
Totals 207,924 189,557 91.17
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.