Block Shares

Block Shares
342655 342656 342657 342658 342659 342660 342661 342662 342663 342664 342665 342666 342667 342668 342669 342670 342671 342672 342673 342674
Expected 7225 7458 8299 8443 8705 8503 9051 8864 8512 8708 7790 7797 7919 7907 8233 8404 8136 8278 8167 8286
Actual 2082 2696 3294 2030 8631 1264 7497 8266 1434 21616 4823 3066 5904 1789 4657 11900 797 8846 3745 920
Average 5961 5756 5635 5639 6085 5772 4815 5585 3976 5881 6155 6192 6453 6429 6032 7095 6425 6483 6714 4645

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,232 153992 153837 155 1.0029 631952007 631240951 99.89% 4992010.5988551 36.30%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 2 2 0 0.4072 3336 6826 204.62% 25 1.39%
Last 7 Days 1,008 39 39 0 0.3969 63403 68556 108.13% 487.50116086 3.87%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 142 142 0 0.4507 262162 283190 108.02% 2775.00174975 3.52%
Last 12 Month 48,384 999 999 0 0.6308 2581055 2571230 99.62% 24200.02894695 2.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
342674 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 18:36:22 (UTC) 2.02 25.000000 8,286 920 11.10
342673 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 18:34:59 (UTC) 1.99 25.000000 8,167 3,745 45.86
342672 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 18:29:27 (UTC) 2.02 25.000000 8,278 8,846 106.86
342671 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 18:16:13 (UTC) 1.99 25.000000 8,136 797 9.80
342670 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 18:15:01 (UTC) 2.05 25.000000 8,404 11,900 141.60
342669 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 17:57:00 (UTC) 2.01 25.000231 8,233 4,657 56.57
342668 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 17:49:57 (UTC) 1.93 25.000000 7,907 1,789 22.63
342667 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 17:47:13 (UTC) 1.93 25.000000 7,919 5,904 74.55
342666 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 17:38:14 (UTC) 1.90 25.000000 7,797 3,066 39.32
342665 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 17:33:33 (UTC) 1.90 25.000000 7,790 4,823 61.91
342664 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 17:26:06 (UTC) 2.13 25.000000 8,708 21,616 248.23
342663 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:52:05 (UTC) 2.08 25.000000 8,512 1,434 16.85
342662 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:49:47 (UTC) 2.16 25.000000 8,864 8,266 93.25
342661 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:36:15 (UTC) 2.21 25.000000 9,051 7,497 82.83
342660 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:23:50 (UTC) 2.08 25.000000 8,503 1,264 14.87
342659 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:21:45 (UTC) 2.13 25.000000 8,705 8,631 99.15
342658 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:07:12 (UTC) 2.06 25.000000 8,443 2,030 24.04
342657 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 16:03:44 (UTC) 2.03 25.000000 8,299 3,294 39.69
342656 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:58:04 (UTC) 1.82 25.000000 7,458 2,696 36.15
342655 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:53:25 (UTC) 1.76 25.000000 7,225 2,082 28.82
Totals 164,685 105,257 63.91
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.