Block Shares

Block Shares
342712 342713 342714 342715 342716 342717 342718 342719 342720 342721 342722 342723 342724 342725 342726 342727 342728 342729 342730 342731
Expected 6282 5940 5547 6033 6444 6757 6359 5675 5064 5192 5094 5036 4901 4778 4400 4412 4389 4463 4871 4637
Actual 9462 11562 713 4661 2923 8972 16389 26322 3336 4154 177 3369 6376 15680 2787 287 2046 4455 6474 19301
Average 8646 8868 8649 8182 6016 6912 8486 8351 8505 8849 7921 7102 7668 8770 8756 7888 6453 4267 4581 6095

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,809 154106 153951 155 1.0025 632135196 631427226 99.89% 4993435.6074277 36.11%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.3952 1619 800 49.41% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 5 5 0 0.4328 8865 9131 103.00% 62.50000713 3.47%
Last 7 Days 1,008 38 38 0 0.4094 63723 67845 106.47% 475.00016491 3.77%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 172 172 0 0.3971 279796 286718 102.47% 2150.00984971 4.27%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1085 1085 0 0.5972 2654232 2629268 99.06% 24925.03686971 2.24%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
342731 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 06:37:16 (UTC) 1.13 25.000000 4,637 19,301 416.24
342730 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 05:58:27 (UTC) 1.19 25.000000 4,871 6,474 132.91
342729 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 05:45:45 (UTC) 1.09 25.000000 4,463 4,455 99.82
342728 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 05:36:56 (UTC) 1.07 25.000000 4,389 2,046 46.62
342727 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 05:32:56 (UTC) 1.08 25.000000 4,412 287 6.50
342726 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 05:32:22 (UTC) 1.07 25.000000 4,400 2,787 63.34
342725 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 05:26:52 (UTC) 1.17 25.000000 4,778 15,680 328.17
342724 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 04:57:31 (UTC) 1.20 25.007618 4,901 6,376 130.10
342723 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 04:45:54 (UTC) 1.23 25.000000 5,036 3,369 66.90
342722 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 04:39:48 (UTC) 1.24 25.000000 5,094 177 3.47
342721 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 04:39:31 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,192 4,154 80.01
342720 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 04:32:04 (UTC) 1.24 25.000000 5,064 3,336 65.88
342719 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 04:26:08 (UTC) 1.39 25.000000 5,675 26,322 463.82
342718 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 03:40:22 (UTC) 1.55 25.000000 6,359 16,389 257.73
342717 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 03:12:35 (UTC) 1.65 25.000000 6,757 8,972 132.78
342716 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 02:57:35 (UTC) 1.57 25.000000 6,444 2,923 45.36
342715 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 02:52:49 (UTC) 1.47 25.000382 6,033 4,661 77.26
342714 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 02:45:06 (UTC) 1.35 25.000266 5,547 713 12.85
342713 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 02:43:56 (UTC) 1.45 25.000000 5,940 11,562 194.65
342712 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 02:24:53 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,282 9,462 150.62
Totals 106,274 149,446 140.62
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.