Block Shares

Block Shares
361036 361037 361038 361039 361040 361041 361042 361043 361044 361045 361046 361047 361048 361049 361050 361051 361052 361053 361054 361055
Expected 6926 7041 7145 7640 7568 7561 7529 7331 7364 7365 6189 6246 6129 6145 5910 5857 7663 8417 8681 8798
Actual 2158 2116 1630 4156 4861 2083 8168 235 6313 26439 1617 3129 432 5480 300 6131 699 482 7101 3772
Average 10818 10739 5336 4488 4619 3868 4196 3342 3527 5816 5762 5863 5743 5876 5420 5824 5078 5102 5181 2914

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,094 153990 153835 155 1.0029 631948671 631234125 99.89% 4991985.5988551 36.31%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 3 3 0 0.3264 4011 7846 195.61% 37.5 2.08%
Last 7 Days 1,008 46 46 0 0.4138 77969 72885 93.48% 575.00123014 4.56%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 147 147 0 0.4526 272502 287683 105.57% 2925.00174975 3.65%
Last 12 Month 48,384 997 997 0 0.6312 2577720 2564404 99.48% 24175.02894695 2.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
361055 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:16:36 (UTC) 2.15 25.000000 8,798 3,772 42.87
361054 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:08:30 (UTC) 2.12 25.000000 8,681 7,101 81.80
361053 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:53:38 (UTC) 2.05 25.000000 8,417 482 5.73
361052 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:52:37 (UTC) 1.87 25.000000 7,663 699 9.12
361051 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:51:12 (UTC) 1.43 25.000000 5,857 6,131 104.68
361050 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:38:39 (UTC) 1.44 25.000000 5,910 300 5.08
361049 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:38:03 (UTC) 1.50 25.000231 6,145 5,480 89.18
361048 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:27:02 (UTC) 1.50 25.000000 6,129 432 7.05
361047 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:26:11 (UTC) 1.52 25.000231 6,246 3,129 50.10
361046 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:19:58 (UTC) 1.51 25.000231 6,189 1,617 26.13
361045 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 06:16:46 (UTC) 1.80 25.000462 7,365 26,439 358.98
361044 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 05:26:40 (UTC) 1.80 25.000231 7,364 6,313 85.73
361043 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 05:15:24 (UTC) 1.79 25.000000 7,331 235 3.21
361042 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 05:15:00 (UTC) 1.84 25.000231 7,529 8,168 108.49
361041 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 05:00:36 (UTC) 1.85 25.000000 7,561 2,083 27.55
361040 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:57:01 (UTC) 1.85 25.000000 7,568 4,861 64.23
361039 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:48:39 (UTC) 1.87 25.000000 7,640 4,156 54.40
361038 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:41:33 (UTC) 1.74 25.000000 7,145 1,630 22.81
361037 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:38:46 (UTC) 1.72 25.000000 7,041 2,116 30.05
361036 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:35:11 (UTC) 1.69 25.000000 6,926 2,158 31.16
Totals 143,505 87,302 60.84
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.