Block Shares

Block Shares
366722 366723 366724 366725 366726 366727 366728 366729 366730 366731 366732 366733 366734 366735 366736 366738 366739 366740 366741 366742
Expected 9982 9559 8289 8129 8779 9401 8889 8996 8495 8114 8231 8205 8567 8599 7351 7343 7367 7751 7906 7343
Actual 10745 30026 6265 2277 6034 12035 4201 11891 12946 3923 5905 752 9570 33526 2804 8165 2345 8718 16860 8028
Average 7720 10197 9937 9654 8772 8602 8719 9503 10275 10034 9550 6623 6953 10078 9755 9368 9183 8865 9257 9667

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,614 154019 153864 155 1.0028 631993898 631275596 99.89% 4992348.1011423 36.27%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.2691 1102 954 86.57% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 9 9 0 0.3246 11967 10720 89.58% 112.50085017 6.25%
Last 7 Days 1,008 52 52 0 0.3839 81764 80538 98.50% 650.00229879 5.16%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 160 160 0 0.4321 283180 289717 102.31% 2887.50390183 3.97%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1023 1023 0 0.6225 2608306 2587410 99.20% 24462.53112813 2.11%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
366742 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 22:38:06 (UTC) 1.79 25.000000 7,343 8,028 109.33
366741 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 22:27:28 (UTC) 1.93 25.000259 7,906 16,860 213.26
366740 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 22:05:12 (UTC) 1.89 25.000000 7,751 8,718 112.48
366739 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 21:53:35 (UTC) 1.80 25.000000 7,367 2,345 31.83
366738 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 21:50:27 (UTC) 1.79 25.000000 7,343 8,165 111.19
366736 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 21:39:31 (UTC) 1.79 25.000000 7,351 2,804 38.14
366735 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 21:35:45 (UTC) 2.10 25.000000 8,599 33,526 389.88
366734 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 20:50:49 (UTC) 2.09 25.000000 8,567 9,570 111.71
366733 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 20:38:01 (UTC) 2.00 25.000000 8,205 752 9.17
366732 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 20:37:00 (UTC) 2.01 25.000000 8,231 5,905 71.74
366731 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 20:29:02 (UTC) 1.98 25.000000 8,114 3,923 48.35
366730 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 20:23:40 (UTC) 2.07 25.000000 8,495 12,946 152.40
366729 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 20:06:14 (UTC) 2.20 25.000000 8,996 11,891 132.18
366728 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 19:49:51 (UTC) 2.17 25.000000 8,889 4,201 47.26
366727 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 19:44:05 (UTC) 2.30 25.000231 9,401 12,035 128.02
366726 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 19:27:57 (UTC) 2.14 25.000000 8,779 6,034 68.73
366725 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 19:19:53 (UTC) 1.98 25.000000 8,129 2,277 28.01
366724 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 19:16:53 (UTC) 2.02 25.000000 8,289 6,265 75.58
366723 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 19:08:29 (UTC) 2.33 25.000000 9,559 30,026 314.11
366722 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 18:28:40 (UTC) 2.44 25.000259 9,982 10,745 107.64
Totals 167,296 197,016 117.76
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.