Block Shares

Block Shares
366761 366762 366763 366764 366765 366767 366768 366769 366770 366771 366772 366773 366774 366775 366776 366777 366778 366779 366780 366781
Expected 8025 7920 8010 8148 8960 9610 9603 10213 9675 9911 9487 8681 8575 7836 7612 7527 7438 7548 7959 7739
Actual 4338 849 6277 2310 2728 2802 18205 11671 367 30163 16582 8948 17893 5226 7779 3721 866 1058 7275 2788
Average 4932 4953 4865 4890 4785 3965 5444 6413 6238 7971 9195 10005 11167 11459 11964 12056 10322 9260 9951 7214

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,961 154038 153883 155 1.0027 632023892 631298821 99.89% 4992585.6056206 36.25%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 7 7 0 0.3120 8946 11218 125.40% 87.5 4.86%
Last 7 Days 1,008 51 51 0 0.3793 79231 72542 91.56% 637.50676551 5.06%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 166 166 0 0.4264 289940 288837 99.62% 2800.00833282 4.12%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1041 1041 0 0.6176 2633334 2589207 98.32% 24675.0356065 2.15%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
366781 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 05:24:18 (UTC) 1.89 25.000000 7,739 2,788 36.03
366780 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 05:18:53 (UTC) 1.94 25.000231 7,959 7,275 91.41
366779 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 05:05:23 (UTC) 1.84 25.000000 7,548 1,058 14.02
366778 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 05:03:25 (UTC) 1.82 25.000000 7,438 866 11.64
366777 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 05:01:50 (UTC) 1.84 25.000000 7,527 3,721 49.44
366776 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 04:55:05 (UTC) 1.86 25.000000 7,612 7,779 102.19
366775 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 04:41:25 (UTC) 1.91 25.000000 7,836 5,226 66.69
366774 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 04:32:21 (UTC) 2.09 25.000000 8,575 17,893 208.66
366773 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 04:02:43 (UTC) 2.12 25.000000 8,681 8,948 103.08
366772 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 03:48:16 (UTC) 2.32 25.000000 9,487 16,582 174.79
366771 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 03:21:43 (UTC) 2.42 25.000000 9,911 30,163 304.34
366770 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 02:34:55 (UTC) 2.36 25.000000 9,675 367 3.79
366769 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 02:34:23 (UTC) 2.49 25.000329 10,213 11,671 114.28
366768 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 02:17:31 (UTC) 2.34 25.000000 9,603 18,205 189.58
366767 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 01:51:24 (UTC) 2.35 25.000000 9,610 2,802 29.16
366765 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 01:47:29 (UTC) 2.19 25.000000 8,960 2,728 30.45
366764 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 01:43:40 (UTC) 1.99 25.000000 8,148 2,310 28.35
366763 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 01:40:26 (UTC) 1.96 25.000000 8,010 6,277 78.36
366762 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 01:31:43 (UTC) 1.93 25.000000 7,920 849 10.72
366761 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 01:30:33 (UTC) 1.96 25.000000 8,025 4,338 54.06
Totals 170,477 151,846 89.07
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.