Block Shares

Block Shares
517228 517233 517278 517313 517481 517536 517601 517610 517613 517618 517684 517686 517733 517740 517747 517786 517914 517919 518059 518093
Expected 924 1388 909 1312 1190 950 1259 1085 1296 1301 750 808 842 906 1036 1222 1120 1276 1061 1526
Actual 2811 71 1837 955 5509 2012 2407 385 39 118 2740 0 1695 211 98 1249 4685 131 4778 1049
Average 1259 1115 1291 1277 1687 1856 1852 1825 1702 1614 1607 1600 1586 1512 971 894 1122 1097 1571 1664

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 462,580 156002 155847 155 0.9933 634098021 633458712 99.90% 5017135.6468276 33.72%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 2 2 0 0.3159 2588 5827 225.15% 25 1.39%
Last 7 Days 1,008 21 21 0 0.2706 23272 33770 145.11% 262.50001041 2.08%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 140 140 0 0.2330 133603 150953 112.99% 1750.00044364 3.47%
Last 12 Month 48,384 2317 2317 0 0.2944 2793744 2917956 104.45% 32025.0524935 4.79%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
518093 134 left anonymous 24/01 06:25:27 (UTC) 0.37 12.500000 1,526 1,049 68.74
518059 100 left anonymous 24/01 01:01:25 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,061 4,778 450.33
517919 Confirmed anonymous 22/01 23:49:36 (UTC) 0.31 12.500000 1,276 131 10.27
517914 Confirmed kimhmg 22/01 23:07:14 (UTC) 0.27 12.500000 1,120 4,685 418.30
517786 Confirmed mini7114 22/01 00:10:46 (UTC) 0.30 12.500000 1,222 1,249 102.21
517747 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 17:48:16 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,036 98 9.46
517740 Confirmed kimhmg 21/01 17:19:48 (UTC) 0.22 12.500000 906 211 23.29
517733 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 16:15:56 (UTC) 0.21 12.500000 842 1,695 201.31
517686 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 07:44:55 (UTC) 0.20 12.500000 808 0 0.00
517684 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 07:44:40 (UTC) 0.18 12.500006 750 2,740 365.33
517618 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:42:17 (UTC) 0.32 12.500000 1,301 118 9.07
517613 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:08:50 (UTC) 0.32 12.500000 1,296 39 3.01
517610 Confirmed kimhmg 20/01 17:57:47 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,085 385 35.48
517601 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:02:47 (UTC) 0.31 12.500000 1,259 2,407 191.18
517536 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 05:36:35 (UTC) 0.23 12.500002 950 2,012 211.79
517481 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 19:02:29 (UTC) 0.29 12.500000 1,190 5,509 462.94
517313 Confirmed xyuuak 18/01 13:44:32 (UTC) 0.32 12.500002 1,312 955 72.79
517278 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 08:20:49 (UTC) 0.22 12.500000 909 1,837 202.09
517233 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 23:30:39 (UTC) 0.34 12.500000 1,388 71 5.12
517228 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 23:05:35 (UTC) 0.23 12.500000 924 2,811 304.22
Totals 22,161 32,780 147.92
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.