Block Shares

Block Shares
272686 272688 272689 272691 272693 272698 272701 272702 272703 272704 272708 272713 272717 272718 272721 272722 272731 272732 272734 272735
Expected 637 854 828 803 801 744 869 867 1002 1022 636 556 573 584 576 571 818 921 810 850
Actual 18 464 575 505 595 1324 586 48 345 128 5094 923 385 101 1016 119 4274 463 1559 957
Average 671 684 561 580 609 684 721 596 560 459 966 1012 993 953 995 875 1243 1285 1406 1489

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 425,156 154044 153889 155 1.0027 632032388 631312503 99.89% 4992660.6072143 36.23%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 4 4 0 0.3616 5924 8709 147.01% 50.00000588 2.78%
Last 7 Days 1,008 52 52 0 0.3774 80381 71552 89.02% 650.00835915 5.16%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 165 165 0 0.4174 282121 291221 103.23% 2700.00983652 4.09%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1047 1047 0 0.6160 2641831 2602889 98.53% 24750.03720014 2.16%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
272735 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 09:12:08 (UTC) 0.21 25.000053 850 957 112.59
272734 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:52:20 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 810 1,559 192.47
272732 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:20:47 (UTC) 0.22 25.000000 921 463 50.27
272731 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:11:11 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 818 4,274 522.49
272722 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 06:43:41 (UTC) 0.14 25.000000 571 119 20.84
272721 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 06:41:16 (UTC) 0.14 25.000000 576 1,016 176.39
272718 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 06:20:03 (UTC) 0.14 25.000000 584 101 17.29
272717 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 06:17:20 (UTC) 0.14 25.000000 573 385 67.19
272713 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 06:06:27 (UTC) 0.14 25.000000 556 923 166.01
272708 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 05:38:22 (UTC) 0.16 25.000060 636 5,094 800.94
272704 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 02:41:16 (UTC) 0.25 25.000000 1,022 128 12.52
272703 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 02:37:09 (UTC) 0.24 25.000000 1,002 345 34.43
272702 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 02:25:53 (UTC) 0.21 25.000000 867 48 5.54
272701 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 02:24:18 (UTC) 0.21 25.000000 869 586 67.43
272698 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 02:05:51 (UTC) 0.18 25.000000 744 1,324 177.96
272693 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 01:23:43 (UTC) 0.20 25.000053 801 595 74.28
272691 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 01:02:45 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 803 505 62.89
272689 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 00:47:10 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 828 575 69.44
272688 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 00:29:23 (UTC) 0.21 25.000000 854 464 54.33
272686 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 00:14:54 (UTC) 0.16 25.000000 637 18 2.83
Totals 15,322 19,479 127.13
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.