Block Shares

Block Shares
272763 272764 272770 272773 272774 272779 272781 272782 272786 272790 272795 272798 272799 272803 272804 272805 272806 272807 272809 272810
Expected 801 802 808 981 1004 990 1016 834 776 598 550 547 513 490 486 550 562 700 602 859
Actual 77 720 834 318 449 1001 1429 196 3388 303 748 516 7 689 379 23 94 615 1140 1185
Average 464 460 537 545 551 584 710 708 1011 872 939 918 836 873 866 768 634 676 451 540

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 425,119 154044 153889 155 1.0027 632032388 631312503 99.89% 4992660.6072143 36.24%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.3546 1453 1760 121.13% 12.50000588 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.3457 8496 13682 161.04% 75.00159364 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 53 53 0 0.3803 82562 74784 90.58% 662.50835915 5.26%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 165 165 0 0.4174 282121 291221 103.23% 2700.00983652 4.09%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1047 1047 0 0.6160 2641831 2602889 98.53% 24750.03720014 2.16%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
272810 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:44:14 (UTC) 0.21 25.000000 859 1,185 137.95
272809 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:07:13 (UTC) 0.15 25.000136 602 1,140 189.37
272807 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 21:29:21 (UTC) 0.17 25.000060 700 615 87.86
272806 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 21:10:34 (UTC) 0.14 25.000000 562 94 16.73
272805 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 21:07:42 (UTC) 0.13 25.000000 550 23 4.18
272804 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 21:07:00 (UTC) 0.12 25.000000 486 379 77.98
272803 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 20:55:59 (UTC) 0.12 25.000000 490 689 140.61
272799 Confirmed 2mb18noma 28/02 20:34:05 (UTC) 0.13 25.000000 513 7 1.36
272798 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 20:33:52 (UTC) 0.13 25.000666 547 516 94.33
272795 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 20:15:52 (UTC) 0.13 25.000000 550 748 136.00
272790 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 19:42:01 (UTC) 0.15 25.000000 598 303 50.67
272786 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 19:28:15 (UTC) 0.19 25.000000 776 3,388 436.60
272782 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 16:59:20 (UTC) 0.20 25.000076 834 196 23.50
272781 Confirmed Kitti 28/02 16:50:04 (UTC) 0.25 25.000000 1,016 1,429 140.65
272779 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 15:50:32 (UTC) 0.24 25.000000 990 1,001 101.11
272774 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 15:08:57 (UTC) 0.25 25.000646 1,004 449 44.72
272773 Confirmed 2mb18noma 28/02 14:51:25 (UTC) 0.24 25.000000 981 318 32.42
272770 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:38:13 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 808 834 103.22
272764 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:06:38 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 802 720 89.78
272763 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 13:44:23 (UTC) 0.20 25.000000 801 77 9.61
Totals 14,469 14,111 97.53
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.