Block Shares

Block Shares
300772 300774 300778 300779 300785 300789 300792 300793 300796 300799 300801 300806 300812 300813 300816 300819 300824 300826 300832 300836
Expected 7943 6886 6309 5811 4979 4139 3942 3834 3793 4166 4133 4985 8324 7746 4763 4368 4616 4225 3583 3583
Actual 12008 6348 6370 2696 9526 5529 987 445 1734 3041 1074 1624 6763 824 11727 4350 4428 3125 5697 1589
Average 4119 4702 4779 4736 5186 5606 5411 5250 4985 4868 3775 3303 3342 3155 3375 3257 3601 3869 4265 4120

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,794 154031 153876 155 1.0028 632014945 631287603 99.88% 4992498.1056206 36.26%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 9 9 0 0.4213 15530 9169 59.04% 112.50212753 6.25%
Last 7 Days 1,008 59 59 0 0.3902 94297 72474 76.86% 737.50677716 5.85%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 167 167 0 0.4311 294915 291091 98.70% 2912.50836688 4.14%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1035 1035 0 0.6202 2629353 2599417 98.86% 24612.5356065 2.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
300836 Confirmed anonymous 20/09 02:50:51 (UTC) 0.87 25.000000 3,583 1,589 44.35
300832 Confirmed anonymous 20/09 02:36:11 (UTC) 0.87 25.000002 3,583 5,697 159.00
300826 Confirmed a999apple99 20/09 01:43:32 (UTC) 1.03 25.000000 4,225 3,125 73.96
300824 Confirmed ntgreat 20/09 01:14:41 (UTC) 1.13 25.000000 4,616 4,428 95.93
300819 Confirmed Kitti 20/09 00:33:41 (UTC) 1.07 25.000000 4,368 4,350 99.59
300816 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 23:53:30 (UTC) 1.16 25.000000 4,763 11,727 246.21
300813 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 22:05:30 (UTC) 1.89 25.000000 7,746 824 10.64
300812 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 21:57:51 (UTC) 2.03 25.003511 8,324 6,763 81.25
300806 Confirmed ntgreat 19/09 20:54:52 (UTC) 1.22 25.000747 4,985 1,624 32.58
300801 Confirmed Kitti 19/09 20:39:33 (UTC) 1.01 25.000004 4,133 1,074 25.99
300799 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 20:29:34 (UTC) 1.02 25.000466 4,166 3,041 73.00
300796 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 20:00:53 (UTC) 0.93 25.000000 3,793 1,734 45.72
300793 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 19:44:37 (UTC) 0.94 25.000000 3,834 445 11.61
300792 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 19:40:33 (UTC) 0.96 25.000000 3,942 987 25.04
300789 Confirmed a999apple99 19/09 19:31:19 (UTC) 1.01 25.001426 4,139 5,529 133.58
300785 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 18:38:41 (UTC) 1.22 25.000000 4,979 9,526 191.32
300779 Confirmed Kitti 19/09 17:09:07 (UTC) 1.42 25.000826 5,811 2,696 46.39
300778 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 16:43:48 (UTC) 1.54 25.000522 6,309 6,370 100.97
300774 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 15:44:11 (UTC) 1.68 25.000000 6,886 6,348 92.19
300772 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 14:43:11 (UTC) 1.94 25.000000 7,943 12,008 151.18
Totals 102,128 89,885 88.01
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.