Block Shares

Block Shares
305320 305327 305328 305331 305332 305336 305341 305342 305346 305350 305357 305358 305362 305366 305369 305375 305377 305384 305388 305392
Expected 6090 5824 5749 5381 5296 4673 4429 4424 4547 4829 5896 6008 7257 9345 7769 6057 5861 5848 5838 6575
Actual 347 10279 1831 4346 934 6753 7045 1288 1578 3778 4770 1579 2549 3634 7302 12522 6302 2700 1691 4881
Average 6822 7215 7302 7326 7268 6592 4581 4376 3872 3818 4260 3390 3462 3391 4028 4605 4530 4671 4683 4793

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,172 154080 153925 155 1.0026 632089376 631385176 99.89% 4993110.6073027 36.15%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.3439 8452 10236 121.11% 75.00000657 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 35 35 0 0.3829 54889 69136 125.96% 437.50008838 3.47%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 156 156 0 0.3964 253318 286823 113.23% 2025.00977038 3.87%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1065 1065 0 0.6024 2627696 2611550 99.39% 24750.03679062 2.20%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
305392 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 08:06:21 (UTC) 1.61 25.000000 6,575 4,881 74.24
305388 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 07:29:11 (UTC) 1.43 25.000000 5,838 1,691 28.97
305384 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 07:16:06 (UTC) 1.43 25.000000 5,848 2,700 46.17
305377 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 06:55:16 (UTC) 1.43 25.000000 5,861 6,302 107.52
305375 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 06:07:32 (UTC) 1.48 25.000000 6,057 12,522 206.74
305369 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 04:24:48 (UTC) 1.90 25.000229 7,769 7,302 93.99
305366 Confirmed a999apple99 23/10 03:22:22 (UTC) 2.28 25.000000 9,345 3,634 38.89
305362 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 02:51:43 (UTC) 1.77 25.000000 7,257 2,549 35.12
305358 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 02:29:58 (UTC) 1.47 25.000147 6,008 1,579 26.28
305357 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 02:16:31 (UTC) 1.44 25.001356 5,896 4,770 80.90
305350 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 01:35:22 (UTC) 1.18 25.000000 4,829 3,778 78.24
305346 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 01:02:52 (UTC) 1.11 25.000000 4,547 1,578 34.70
305342 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 00:49:27 (UTC) 1.08 25.000000 4,424 1,288 29.11
305341 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 00:37:44 (UTC) 1.08 25.000689 4,429 7,045 159.07
305336 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 23:36:16 (UTC) 1.14 25.000000 4,673 6,753 144.51
305332 Confirmed Kitti 22/10 22:36:56 (UTC) 1.29 25.000000 5,296 934 17.64
305331 Confirmed a999apple99 22/10 22:28:46 (UTC) 1.31 25.000000 5,381 4,346 80.77
305328 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 21:50:40 (UTC) 1.40 25.002174 5,749 1,831 31.85
305327 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 21:34:47 (UTC) 1.42 25.000996 5,824 10,279 176.49
305320 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 20:01:05 (UTC) 1.49 25.000000 6,090 347 5.70
Totals 117,696 86,109 73.16
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.