Block Shares

Block Shares
337060 337061 337062 337063 337064 337065 337066 337067 337068 337069 337070 337072 337073 337074 337075 337076 337077 337078 337079 337080
Expected 7650 8090 8093 7926 8046 8162 8238 8398 8366 8269 8319 8635 8713 8189 7781 10577 10362 10649 10603 10257
Actual 19669 3559 16458 3471 1208 7946 176 9725 4692 6762 328 4522 19013 15135 1426 7579 3044 27708 16827 2686
Average 11107 11081 7858 8095 7778 6656 5978 6611 6902 7367 5433 5529 5784 6951 6973 6936 7223 9021 10234 9827

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,642 154100 153945 155 1.0025 632123689 631416506 99.89% 4993360.6074206 36.12%
Last Hour 6 2 2 0 0.5002 4098 778 18.98% 25.00001337 33.33%
Last 24 Hours 144 8 8 0 0.4703 15410 9598 62.28% 100.00003264 5.56%
Last 7 Days 1,008 38 38 0 0.4004 62314 67823 108.84% 475.00016423 3.77%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 169 169 0 0.3965 274455 289983 105.66% 2112.50984258 4.19%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1082 1082 0 0.5983 2651392 2624443 98.98% 24925.03690851 2.24%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
337080 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 20:35:18 (UTC) 2.50 25.000000 10,257 2,686 26.19
337079 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 20:32:32 (UTC) 2.59 25.000000 10,603 16,827 158.70
337078 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 20:15:03 (UTC) 2.60 25.000266 10,649 27,708 260.19
337077 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 19:46:03 (UTC) 2.53 25.000000 10,362 3,044 29.38
337076 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 19:42:50 (UTC) 2.58 25.000000 10,577 7,579 71.66
337075 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 19:34:43 (UTC) 1.90 25.000000 7,781 1,426 18.33
337074 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 19:33:09 (UTC) 2.00 25.000000 8,189 15,135 184.82
337073 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 19:17:00 (UTC) 2.13 25.000000 8,713 19,013 218.21
337072 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:56:21 (UTC) 2.11 25.000000 8,635 4,522 52.37
337070 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:51:23 (UTC) 2.03 25.000000 8,319 328 3.94
337069 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:51:00 (UTC) 2.02 25.000000 8,269 6,762 81.78
337068 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:43:30 (UTC) 2.04 25.000000 8,366 4,692 56.08
337067 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:38:17 (UTC) 2.05 25.000000 8,398 9,725 115.80
337066 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:27:20 (UTC) 2.01 25.000000 8,238 176 2.14
337065 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:27:08 (UTC) 1.99 25.000000 8,162 7,946 97.35
337064 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:18:15 (UTC) 1.96 25.000000 8,046 1,208 15.01
337063 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:16:53 (UTC) 1.93 25.000000 7,926 3,471 43.79
337062 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 18:12:56 (UTC) 1.98 25.000000 8,093 16,458 203.36
337061 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:53:56 (UTC) 1.98 25.000000 8,090 3,559 43.99
337060 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:49:44 (UTC) 1.87 25.000000 7,650 19,669 257.11
Totals 175,323 171,934 98.07
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.