Block Shares

Block Shares
342579 342580 342581 342582 342583 342584 342585 342586 342587 342588 342589 342590 342591 342592 342593 342594 342595 342596 342597 342598
Expected 11600 11613 10676 11660 9763 8155 8156 6735 6663 7049 6667 6736 6607 6581 6493 6252 5401 5214 4895 4615
Actual 4872 13447 233 24756 30656 1882 33999 1282 384 10239 3165 3570 6265 2472 8973 28625 2323 8141 5538 7042
Average 6086 6913 6458 8898 11761 11899 13748 13289 13146 12175 12004 11017 11620 9391 7223 9897 6730 7416 7931 7611

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,345 153998 153843 155 1.0029 631961895 631254861 99.89% 4992085.6002921 36.29%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.4024 9888 13910 140.68% 75.00143697 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 40 40 0 0.3949 64695 75275 116.35% 500.00259059 3.97%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 147 147 0 0.4472 269269 292612 108.67% 2825.00318222 3.65%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1004 1004 0 0.6288 2585792 2572575 99.49% 24250.03027796 2.08%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
342598 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 07:15:50 (UTC) 1.13 25.000000 4,615 7,042 152.59
342597 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 07:01:34 (UTC) 1.20 25.000000 4,895 5,538 113.14
342596 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 06:50:28 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,214 8,141 156.14
342595 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 06:34:11 (UTC) 1.32 25.000000 5,401 2,323 43.01
342594 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 06:29:31 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,252 28,625 457.85
342593 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 05:36:19 (UTC) 1.59 25.000000 6,493 8,973 138.19
342592 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 05:19:35 (UTC) 1.61 25.000000 6,581 2,472 37.56
342591 Confirmed Kitti 22/07 05:14:58 (UTC) 1.61 25.000534 6,607 6,265 94.82
342590 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 05:03:21 (UTC) 1.64 25.000000 6,736 3,570 53.00
342589 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:56:44 (UTC) 1.63 25.000000 6,667 3,165 47.47
342588 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:50:56 (UTC) 1.72 25.000000 7,049 10,239 145.25
342587 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:32:28 (UTC) 1.63 25.000000 6,663 384 5.76
342586 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:31:50 (UTC) 1.64 25.000000 6,735 1,282 19.03
342585 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:29:35 (UTC) 1.99 25.000000 8,156 33,999 416.86
342584 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 03:31:58 (UTC) 1.99 25.000000 8,155 1,882 23.08
342583 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 03:28:53 (UTC) 2.38 25.000000 9,763 30,656 314.00
342582 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 02:38:47 (UTC) 2.85 25.000231 11,660 24,756 212.32
342581 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 01:58:46 (UTC) 2.61 25.000000 10,676 233 2.18
342580 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 01:58:26 (UTC) 2.84 25.000000 11,613 13,447 115.79
342579 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 01:37:35 (UTC) 2.83 25.000000 11,600 4,872 42.00
Totals 151,531 197,864 130.58
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.