Block Shares

Block Shares
342731 342732 342733 342734 342735 342736 342737 342738 342739 342740 342741 342742 342743 342744 342745 342746 342747 342748 342749 342750
Expected 4637 4048 4327 4269 4190 4224 4379 4308 4303 4286 4405 4691 5258 5089 5215 5193 5196 5080 5752 5625
Actual 19301 7986 1396 1075 3866 2384 1323 2432 1122 1875 4227 8640 6027 914 644 2765 7557 1845 5367 9341
Average 6095 6876 6679 6149 4967 4927 5031 5069 4736 4276 2769 2834 3297 3281 2959 2997 3620 3562 3986 4733

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,807 154106 153951 155 1.0025 632135196 631427226 99.89% 4993435.6074277 36.11%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.3952 1619 800 49.41% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.4682 11507 10720 93.16% 75.00000713 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 38 38 0 0.4094 63723 67845 106.47% 475.00016491 3.77%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 172 172 0 0.3971 279796 286718 102.47% 2150.00984971 4.27%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1085 1085 0 0.5972 2654232 2629268 99.06% 24925.03686971 2.24%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
342750 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 09:11:05 (UTC) 1.37 25.000000 5,625 9,341 166.06
342749 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:50:18 (UTC) 1.40 25.000000 5,752 5,367 93.31
342748 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:38:21 (UTC) 1.24 25.000802 5,080 1,845 36.32
342747 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:34:15 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,196 7,557 145.44
342746 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:17:31 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,193 2,765 53.24
342745 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:11:27 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,215 644 12.35
342744 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:10:03 (UTC) 1.24 25.000000 5,089 914 17.96
342743 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 08:08:01 (UTC) 1.28 25.000000 5,258 6,027 114.63
342742 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:54:48 (UTC) 1.15 25.000000 4,691 8,640 184.18
342741 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:36:05 (UTC) 1.08 25.000000 4,405 4,227 95.96
342740 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:26:59 (UTC) 1.05 25.000000 4,286 1,875 43.75
342739 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:22:59 (UTC) 1.05 25.000000 4,303 1,122 26.07
342738 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:20:35 (UTC) 1.05 25.000000 4,308 2,432 56.45
342737 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:15:26 (UTC) 1.07 25.000000 4,379 1,323 30.21
342736 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:12:35 (UTC) 1.03 25.000000 4,224 2,384 56.44
342735 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 07:07:32 (UTC) 1.02 25.000000 4,190 3,866 92.27
342734 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 06:59:23 (UTC) 1.04 25.000002 4,269 1,075 25.18
342733 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 06:57:08 (UTC) 1.06 25.000000 4,327 1,396 32.26
342732 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 06:54:08 (UTC) 0.99 25.000266 4,048 7,986 197.28
342731 Confirmed anonymous 23/07 06:37:16 (UTC) 1.13 25.000000 4,637 19,301 416.24
Totals 94,475 90,087 95.36
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.