Block Shares

Block Shares
360998 360999 361000 361001 361002 361003 361004 361005 361006 361007 361008 361009 361010 361011 361012 361013 361014 361015 361016 361017
Expected 4027 4034 4001 3985 4000 5006 5089 5286 5206 5686 5425 5505 6270 6401 6252 6703 6785 7017 6575 6974
Actual 2126 2838 2680 139 3135 2434 2787 10037 1070 7789 2199 2576 2277 5741 2120 4578 4491 12929 2037 4424
Average 7482 6847 6699 6054 6043 5507 4946 3873 3826 3504 3511 3485 3444 4005 3903 4117 4288 4577 4674 4337

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,268 154082 153927 155 1.0025 632092593 631389280 99.89% 4993135.6073337 36.15%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 4 4 0 0.3563 5838 7937 135.95% 50.00003764 2.78%
Last 7 Days 1,008 35 35 0 0.3865 55412 68383 123.41% 437.50011945 3.47%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 156 156 0 0.3960 253013 289107 114.27% 2000.00975576 3.87%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1066 1066 0 0.6017 2627276 2614143 99.50% 24750.03682169 2.20%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
361017 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:39:57 (UTC) 1.70 25.000000 6,974 4,424 63.44
361016 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:33:24 (UTC) 1.61 25.000231 6,575 2,037 30.98
361015 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:30:21 (UTC) 1.71 25.000231 7,017 12,929 184.25
361014 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:10:59 (UTC) 1.66 25.000231 6,785 4,491 66.19
361013 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:04:16 (UTC) 1.64 25.000000 6,703 4,578 68.30
361012 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:57:25 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,252 2,120 33.91
361011 Confirmed Kitti 03/12 23:54:16 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,401 5,741 89.69
361010 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:45:37 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,270 2,277 36.32
361009 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:42:14 (UTC) 1.34 25.000000 5,505 2,576 46.79
361008 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:38:20 (UTC) 1.32 25.000231 5,425 2,199 40.53
361007 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:34:59 (UTC) 1.39 25.000000 5,686 7,789 136.99
361006 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:23:08 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,206 1,070 20.55
361005 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:21:27 (UTC) 1.29 25.000462 5,286 10,037 189.88
361004 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:06:08 (UTC) 1.24 25.000002 5,089 2,787 54.77
361003 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 23:01:53 (UTC) 1.22 25.000000 5,006 2,434 48.62
361002 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 22:58:09 (UTC) 0.98 25.000000 4,000 3,135 78.38
361001 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 22:53:20 (UTC) 0.97 25.000000 3,985 139 3.49
361000 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 22:53:08 (UTC) 0.98 25.000000 4,001 2,680 66.98
360999 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 22:48:55 (UTC) 0.98 25.000000 4,034 2,838 70.35
360998 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 22:44:31 (UTC) 0.98 25.000000 4,027 2,126 52.79
Totals 110,227 78,407 71.13
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.