Block Shares

Block Shares
361055 361056 361057 361058 361059 361060 361061 361062 361063 361064 361065 361066 361067 361068 361069 361070 361071 361072 361073 361074
Expected 8798 8851 9236 8817 8792 8646 7790 7253 6683 6672 6298 6057 5512 5564 5910 5834 5882 5777 5942 5927
Actual 3772 3650 8480 3623 3904 12171 8541 11892 2735 7799 9722 11042 1284 12669 2138 1258 2267 920 527 1875
Average 2914 3118 3653 3972 3814 5001 5242 6362 6587 6657 7252 7991 7271 8176 7999 6908 6281 5183 4963 4370

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,089 153990 153835 155 1.0029 631948671 631234125 99.89% 4991985.5988551 36.31%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 3 3 0 0.3264 4011 7846 195.61% 37.5 2.08%
Last 7 Days 1,008 46 46 0 0.4138 77969 72885 93.48% 575.00123014 4.56%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 147 147 0 0.4526 272502 287683 105.57% 2925.00174975 3.65%
Last 12 Month 48,384 997 997 0 0.6312 2577720 2564404 99.48% 24175.02894695 2.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
361074 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 11:20:12 (UTC) 1.45 25.000000 5,927 1,875 31.63
361073 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 11:15:46 (UTC) 1.45 25.000000 5,942 527 8.87
361072 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 11:14:31 (UTC) 1.41 25.000000 5,777 920 15.93
361071 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 11:12:23 (UTC) 1.44 25.000000 5,882 2,267 38.54
361070 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 11:07:06 (UTC) 1.42 25.000493 5,834 1,258 21.56
361069 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 11:04:08 (UTC) 1.44 25.000000 5,910 2,138 36.18
361068 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 10:59:05 (UTC) 1.36 25.000231 5,564 12,669 227.70
361067 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 10:30:05 (UTC) 1.35 25.000000 5,512 1,284 23.29
361066 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 10:27:06 (UTC) 1.48 25.000231 6,057 11,042 182.30
361065 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 10:01:49 (UTC) 1.54 25.000231 6,298 9,722 154.37
361064 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 09:39:18 (UTC) 1.63 25.000231 6,672 7,799 116.89
361063 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 09:21:29 (UTC) 1.63 25.000000 6,683 2,735 40.92
361062 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 09:15:04 (UTC) 1.77 25.000231 7,253 11,892 163.96
361061 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 08:47:35 (UTC) 1.90 25.000000 7,790 8,541 109.64
361060 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 08:27:46 (UTC) 2.11 25.000612 8,646 12,171 140.77
361059 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:59:52 (UTC) 2.15 25.000000 8,792 3,904 44.40
361058 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:51:07 (UTC) 2.15 25.000000 8,817 3,623 41.09
361057 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:43:04 (UTC) 2.25 25.000002 9,236 8,480 91.81
361056 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:24:32 (UTC) 2.16 25.000231 8,851 3,650 41.24
361055 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 07:16:36 (UTC) 2.15 25.000000 8,798 3,772 42.87
Totals 140,241 110,269 78.63
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.