Block Shares

Block Shares
367577 367578 367579 367580 367581 367582 367583 367584 367585 367586 367587 367588 367589 367590 367591 367594 367595 367596 367598 367599
Expected 6272 6370 6374 6278 6043 6551 6483 7042 8452 8367 8110 7962 6333 6092 5958 7050 6410 5986 5592 5562
Actual 1052 4962 9188 7861 5450 3352 6045 1281 2517 7507 5517 38729 13425 5788 2089 27476 12128 9822 5834 618
Average 8512 8516 8294 8611 4850 4814 5343 5003 4837 4922 5368 8745 9168 8961 8625 11037 11646 12500 12832 12143

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 423,966 153988 153833 155 1.0029 631945936 631227808 99.89% 4991960.5988551 36.32%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.3114 1275 1529 119.92% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 12 12 0 0.3862 18981 9985 52.61% 150.00000713 8.33%
Last 7 Days 1,008 46 46 0 0.4181 78778 73671 93.52% 575.00125139 4.56%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 151 151 0 0.4558 281910 291041 103.24% 3050.00174975 3.75%
Last 12 Month 48,384 999 999 0 0.6337 2592850 2564190 98.89% 24250.02894695 2.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
367599 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 05:36:38 (UTC) 1.36 25.000000 5,562 618 11.11
367598 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 05:35:33 (UTC) 1.37 25.000000 5,592 5,834 104.33
367596 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 05:25:10 (UTC) 1.46 25.000000 5,986 9,822 164.08
367595 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 05:07:39 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,410 12,128 189.20
367594 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 04:46:03 (UTC) 1.72 25.000000 7,050 27,476 389.73
367591 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 03:58:33 (UTC) 1.45 25.000000 5,958 2,089 35.06
367590 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 03:55:00 (UTC) 1.49 25.000000 6,092 5,788 95.01
367589 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 03:45:23 (UTC) 1.55 25.000000 6,333 13,425 211.98
367588 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 03:23:19 (UTC) 1.94 25.000000 7,962 38,729 486.42
367587 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 02:24:04 (UTC) 1.98 25.000000 8,110 5,517 68.03
367586 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 02:15:59 (UTC) 2.04 25.000000 8,367 7,507 89.72
367585 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 02:05:00 (UTC) 2.06 25.000000 8,452 2,517 29.78
367584 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 02:01:27 (UTC) 1.72 25.000000 7,042 1,281 18.19
367583 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:59:37 (UTC) 1.58 25.000000 6,483 6,045 93.24
367582 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:50:57 (UTC) 1.60 25.000000 6,551 3,352 51.17
367581 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:46:07 (UTC) 1.48 25.000000 6,043 5,450 90.19
367580 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:38:18 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,278 7,861 125.22
367579 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:27:00 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,374 9,188 144.15
367578 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:13:58 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,370 4,962 77.90
367577 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 01:06:55 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,272 1,052 16.77
Totals 133,287 170,641 128.03
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.