Block Shares

Block Shares
420359 420467 420491 420631 420656 420808 421109 421169 421210 421262 421408 421678 421894 421975 422470 422498 422635 422690 422699 422995
Expected 9352 16857 10207 8733 7975 9333 9028 12373 8498 8735 9199 9428 12790 9980 10796 7371 10711 11024 13602 9081
Actual 19092 7921 2174 9798 1352 10742 21238 4701 2950 3573 9761 20493 18338 9221 43965 2658 11831 4457 506 25398
Average 11419 12154 11644 12418 12401 13245 14004 13619 12124 8354 7421 8678 10295 10237 14498 13690 12749 12725 12480 14663

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,467 154010 153855 155 1.0028 631981931 631264876 99.89% 4992235.6002921 36.28%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.3141 1287 2567 199.46% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 13 13 0 0.4074 21695 11175 51.51% 162.5 9.03%
Last 7 Days 1,008 49 49 0 0.3964 79556 76510 96.17% 612.50145518 4.86%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 155 155 0 0.4417 280415 288993 103.06% 2875.00313206 3.84%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1014 1014 0 0.6251 2596339 2576690 99.24% 24350.03027796 2.10%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
422995 Confirmed mini7114 01/03 21:26:06 (UTC) 2.22 25.000000 9,081 25,398 279.68
422699 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 16:24:51 (UTC) 3.32 25.000000 13,602 506 3.72
422690 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 15:22:30 (UTC) 2.69 25.000000 11,024 4,457 40.43
422635 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 06:27:50 (UTC) 2.61 25.000000 10,711 11,831 110.46
422498 Confirmed anonymous 26/02 06:51:28 (UTC) 1.80 25.000000 7,371 2,658 36.06
422470 Confirmed anonymous 26/02 02:09:31 (UTC) 2.64 25.000092 10,796 43,965 407.23
421975 Confirmed anonymous 22/02 10:54:45 (UTC) 2.44 25.000000 9,980 9,221 92.39
421894 Confirmed anonymous 21/02 18:39:28 (UTC) 3.12 25.000000 12,790 18,338 143.38
421678 Confirmed anonymous 20/02 06:03:33 (UTC) 2.30 25.000000 9,428 20,493 217.36
421408 Confirmed anonymous 18/02 06:17:03 (UTC) 2.25 25.000000 9,199 9,761 106.11
421262 Confirmed anonymous 17/02 05:33:23 (UTC) 2.13 25.000000 8,735 3,573 40.90
421210 Confirmed anonymous 16/02 20:12:19 (UTC) 2.07 25.001437 8,498 2,950 34.71
421169 Confirmed anonymous 16/02 12:33:26 (UTC) 3.02 25.000000 12,373 4,701 37.99
421109 Confirmed anonymous 16/02 02:33:17 (UTC) 2.20 25.000000 9,028 21,238 235.25
420808 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 21:48:26 (UTC) 2.28 25.000000 9,333 10,742 115.10
420656 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 19:22:08 (UTC) 1.95 25.000000 7,975 1,352 16.95
420631 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 15:41:40 (UTC) 2.13 25.000363 8,733 9,798 112.20
420491 Confirmed anonymous 11/02 14:09:09 (UTC) 2.49 25.000000 10,207 2,174 21.30
420467 Confirmed Kitti 11/02 08:55:38 (UTC) 4.12 25.000000 16,857 7,921 46.99
420359 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 15:24:01 (UTC) 2.28 25.000106 9,352 19,092 204.15
Totals 205,073 230,169 112.24
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.