Block Shares

Block Shares
429099 429218 429343 429357 429373 429429 429443 429587 429668 429703 429780 429790 429844 429851 429904 429942 429978 430009 430094 430191
Expected 3632 2806 3956 3342 3212 2843 2601 3957 4288 5105 3632 3419 4201 4460 3637 4203 3330 3777 5133 3086
Actual 15060 8785 7803 1390 997 4057 714 10121 6250 1739 6096 280 3711 320 3943 2086 2501 2078 5414 7397
Average 4825 5512 6054 6067 5919 5898 5484 5206 5775 5692 4795 3945 3536 3429 3723 3526 3705 2900 2817 3383

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,648 154100 153945 155 1.0025 632123689 631416506 99.89% 4993360.6074206 36.12%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 8 8 0 0.4703 15410 9598 62.28% 100.00003264 5.56%
Last 7 Days 1,008 38 38 0 0.4004 62314 67823 108.84% 475.00016423 3.77%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 169 169 0 0.3965 274455 289983 105.66% 2112.50984258 4.19%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1082 1082 0 0.5983 2651392 2624443 98.98% 24925.03690851 2.24%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
430191 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 12:16:48 (UTC) 0.75 25.000000 3,086 7,397 239.70
430094 Confirmed anonymous 22/04 18:08:09 (UTC) 1.25 25.000000 5,133 5,414 105.47
430009 Confirmed anonymous 22/04 04:16:10 (UTC) 0.92 25.000000 3,777 2,078 55.02
429978 Confirmed anonymous 21/04 23:09:20 (UTC) 0.81 25.000000 3,330 2,501 75.11
429942 Confirmed anonymous 21/04 15:49:33 (UTC) 1.03 25.000000 4,203 2,086 49.63
429904 Confirmed anonymous 21/04 10:09:59 (UTC) 0.89 25.000000 3,637 3,943 108.41
429851 Confirmed anonymous 20/04 23:59:57 (UTC) 1.09 25.000000 4,460 320 7.17
429844 Confirmed anonymous 20/04 23:02:36 (UTC) 1.03 25.000226 4,201 3,711 88.34
429790 Confirmed anonymous 20/04 13:03:32 (UTC) 0.83 25.000000 3,419 280 8.19
429780 Confirmed anonymous 20/04 12:21:31 (UTC) 0.89 25.000000 3,632 6,096 167.84
429703 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 21:32:07 (UTC) 1.25 25.000392 5,105 1,739 34.06
429668 Confirmed mini7114 19/04 15:36:33 (UTC) 1.05 25.000000 4,288 6,250 145.76
429587 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 01:36:15 (UTC) 0.97 25.000000 3,957 10,121 255.77
429443 Confirmed anonymous 18/04 01:20:48 (UTC) 0.64 25.000000 2,601 714 27.45
429429 Confirmed anonymous 17/04 23:41:58 (UTC) 0.69 25.000000 2,843 4,057 142.70
429373 Confirmed anonymous 17/04 12:57:14 (UTC) 0.78 25.000182 3,212 997 31.04
429357 Confirmed anonymous 17/04 10:30:20 (UTC) 0.82 25.000000 3,342 1,390 41.59
429343 Confirmed anonymous 17/04 07:10:46 (UTC) 0.97 25.000286 3,956 7,803 197.24
429218 Confirmed anonymous 16/04 10:12:09 (UTC) 0.69 25.000000 2,806 8,785 313.08
429099 Confirmed anonymous 15/04 12:57:46 (UTC) 0.89 25.000196 3,632 15,060 414.65
Totals 74,620 90,742 121.61
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.