Block Shares

Block Shares
447764 447794 447820 447913 447939 448034 448082 448099 448118 448191 448239 448267 448304 448576 448595 448613 448626 448640 448668 448703
Expected 3212 2405 2037 2152 2233 3771 2354 2861 2712 2459 2585 2770 3408 2924 2801 2210 2055 4161 2124 2419
Actual 1057 1115 1246 3958 1267 4088 2243 837 1007 3388 2389 1153 1586 10644 965 910 665 416 2023 1544
Average 2504 2179 2279 2634 2017 2315 2342 2069 1864 2021 2154 2158 2192 2860 2830 2512 2354 2312 2414 2230

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 449,047 155018 154863 155 0.9983 633218218 632545772 99.89% 5004835.6409161 34.52%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.2567 1051 900 85.63% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 7 7 0 0.2193 6289 5869 93.32% 87.50000615 4.86%
Last 7 Days 1,008 61 61 0 0.1838 45914 46563 101.41% 762.50012214 6.05%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 235 235 0 0.1654 159183 176862 111.11% 2937.50954002 5.83%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1647 1647 0 0.4033 2720922 2790621 102.56% 27575.04721541 3.40%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
448703 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 15:03:27 (UTC) 0.59 25.000000 2,419 1,544 63.83
448668 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 09:34:02 (UTC) 0.52 25.000000 2,124 2,023 95.24
448640 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 03:13:20 (UTC) 1.02 25.000092 4,161 416 10.00
448626 Confirmed mini7114 05/09 01:52:06 (UTC) 0.50 25.000000 2,055 665 32.36
448613 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 23:42:33 (UTC) 0.54 25.000000 2,210 910 41.18
448595 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 20:05:05 (UTC) 0.68 25.000000 2,801 965 34.45
448576 Confirmed a999apple99 04/09 16:21:10 (UTC) 0.71 25.000000 2,924 10,644 364.02
448304 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 16:29:24 (UTC) 0.83 25.000000 3,408 1,586 46.54
448267 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 09:56:22 (UTC) 0.68 25.000000 2,770 1,153 41.62
448239 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 05:40:48 (UTC) 0.63 25.000000 2,585 2,389 92.42
448191 Confirmed anonymous 01/09 21:24:18 (UTC) 0.60 25.000000 2,459 3,388 137.78
448118 Confirmed anonymous 01/09 08:40:20 (UTC) 0.66 25.000000 2,712 1,007 37.13
448099 Confirmed anonymous 01/09 05:15:43 (UTC) 0.70 25.000000 2,861 837 29.26
448082 Confirmed anonymous 01/09 02:20:31 (UTC) 0.57 25.000000 2,354 2,243 95.28
448034 Confirmed anonymous 31/08 17:19:07 (UTC) 0.92 25.000000 3,771 4,088 108.41
447939 Confirmed anonymous 31/08 01:52:28 (UTC) 0.55 25.000000 2,233 1,267 56.74
447913 Confirmed anonymous 30/08 21:03:21 (UTC) 0.53 25.000000 2,152 3,958 183.92
447820 Confirmed anonymous 30/08 05:24:58 (UTC) 0.50 25.000000 2,037 1,246 61.17
447794 Confirmed anonymous 30/08 00:16:52 (UTC) 0.59 25.000000 2,405 1,115 46.36
447764 Confirmed anonymous 29/08 18:26:01 (UTC) 0.78 25.000076 3,212 1,057 32.91
Totals 53,653 42,501 79.21
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.