Block Shares

Block Shares
469727 469771 469801 469873 469895 469904 469911 469925 469973 470010 470031 470041 470064 470081 470082 470103 470105 470131 470185 470249
Expected 1900 1954 1856 2308 2589 2330 1943 2631 2241 2326 2390 2405 1889 2315 2225 2633 2692 1946 1676 2004
Actual 323 3430 2052 4447 1702 927 470 621 3286 2507 1748 697 1914 846 97 1638 198 2002 4180 4270
Average 1896 2232 2381 2625 2636 2658 2383 2266 2574 1977 2119 1846 1832 1472 1311 1382 1355 1493 1583 1759

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 465,940 156129 155974 155 0.9928 634252662 633620469 99.90% 5018723.1488925 33.51%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 4 4 0 0.3376 5531 1487 26.88% 50 2.78%
Last 7 Days 1,008 38 38 0 0.3075 47860 52975 110.69% 475.00003254 3.77%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 143 143 0 0.2941 172269 188863 109.63% 1787.50207299 3.55%
Last 12 Month 48,384 2351 2351 0 0.2822 2717398 2854413 105.04% 31287.55218195 4.86%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
470249 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 22:22:35 (UTC) 0.49 25.000000 2,004 4,270 213.07
470185 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 12:09:44 (UTC) 0.41 25.000000 1,676 4,180 249.40
470131 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 02:01:17 (UTC) 0.47 25.000000 1,946 2,002 102.88
470105 Confirmed anonymous 08/02 21:02:59 (UTC) 0.66 25.000000 2,692 198 7.36
470103 Confirmed xyuuak 08/02 20:34:10 (UTC) 0.64 25.000000 2,633 1,638 62.21
470082 Confirmed anonymous 08/02 16:41:29 (UTC) 0.54 25.000000 2,225 97 4.36
470081 Confirmed a999apple99 08/02 16:26:56 (UTC) 0.57 25.000000 2,315 846 36.54
470064 Confirmed anonymous 08/02 14:25:37 (UTC) 0.46 25.000000 1,889 1,914 101.32
470041 Confirmed anonymous 08/02 10:02:33 (UTC) 0.59 25.000000 2,405 697 28.98
470031 Confirmed anonymous 08/02 08:26:29 (UTC) 0.58 25.000000 2,390 1,748 73.14
470010 Confirmed mini7114 08/02 04:22:41 (UTC) 0.57 25.000000 2,326 2,507 107.78
469973 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 22:06:05 (UTC) 0.55 25.000000 2,241 3,286 146.63
469925 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 13:17:23 (UTC) 0.64 25.000000 2,631 621 23.60
469911 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 11:37:51 (UTC) 0.47 25.000000 1,943 470 24.19
469904 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 10:28:37 (UTC) 0.57 25.000000 2,330 927 39.79
469895 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 08:11:01 (UTC) 0.63 25.000000 2,589 1,702 65.74
469873 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 04:09:28 (UTC) 0.56 25.000000 2,308 4,447 192.68
469801 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 16:39:39 (UTC) 0.45 25.000000 1,856 2,052 110.56
469771 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 11:14:20 (UTC) 0.48 25.000000 1,954 3,430 175.54
469727 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 03:25:26 (UTC) 0.46 25.000000 1,900 323 17.00
Totals 44,253 37,355 84.41
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.