Block Shares

Block Shares
489868 489874 489886 489925 489961 490032 490037 490084 490112 490138 490139 490218 490223 490283 490295 490310 490347 490354 490370 490378
Expected 1073 1099 1594 1572 2165 1558 1532 2304 1302 1208 1223 1671 1517 1632 1837 2074 1119 1005 1545 1809
Actual 1886 213 362 1762 1378 2915 240 1498 1627 1478 59 3663 264 2901 467 770 2190 138 597 247
Average 1916 1830 1673 1530 1567 1813 1705 1768 1481 1336 1153 1498 1488 1602 1511 1297 1492 1356 1253 1130

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 449,047 155018 154863 155 0.9983 633218218 632545772 99.89% 5004835.6409161 34.52%
Last Hour 6 1 1 0 0.2567 1051 900 85.63% 12.5 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 144 7 7 0 0.2193 6289 5869 93.32% 87.50000615 4.86%
Last 7 Days 1,008 61 61 0 0.1838 45914 46563 101.41% 762.50012214 6.05%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 235 235 0 0.1654 159183 176862 111.11% 2937.50954002 5.83%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1647 1647 0 0.4033 2720922 2790621 102.56% 27575.04721541 3.40%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
490378 Confirmed xyuuak 05/07 22:27:43 (UTC) 0.44 12.500129 1,809 247 13.65
490370 Confirmed anonymous 05/07 21:33:39 (UTC) 0.38 12.500000 1,545 597 38.64
490354 Confirmed mini7114 05/07 19:14:21 (UTC) 0.25 12.500000 1,005 138 13.73
490347 Confirmed anonymous 05/07 18:43:29 (UTC) 0.27 12.500000 1,119 2,190 195.71
490310 Confirmed anonymous 05/07 10:33:04 (UTC) 0.51 12.500000 2,074 770 37.13
490295 Confirmed anonymous 05/07 07:49:36 (UTC) 0.45 12.500000 1,837 467 25.42
490283 Confirmed anonymous 05/07 06:19:16 (UTC) 0.40 12.500000 1,632 2,901 177.76
490223 Confirmed anonymous 04/07 20:02:07 (UTC) 0.37 12.500000 1,517 264 17.40
490218 Confirmed anonymous 04/07 18:57:55 (UTC) 0.41 12.500000 1,671 3,663 219.21
490139 Confirmed anonymous 04/07 05:47:45 (UTC) 0.30 12.500008 1,223 59 4.82
490138 Confirmed anonymous 04/07 05:36:01 (UTC) 0.29 12.500000 1,208 1,478 122.35
490112 Confirmed anonymous 04/07 00:42:39 (UTC) 0.32 12.500000 1,302 1,627 124.96
490084 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 18:31:57 (UTC) 0.56 12.500000 2,304 1,498 65.02
490037 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 11:18:36 (UTC) 0.37 12.500000 1,532 240 15.67
490032 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 10:10:50 (UTC) 0.38 12.500000 1,558 2,915 187.10
489961 Confirmed anonymous 02/07 21:38:23 (UTC) 0.53 12.500000 2,165 1,378 63.65
489925 Confirmed anonymous 02/07 15:37:12 (UTC) 0.38 12.500000 1,572 1,762 112.09
489886 Confirmed anonymous 02/07 08:26:12 (UTC) 0.39 12.500000 1,594 362 22.71
489874 Confirmed anonymous 02/07 07:02:29 (UTC) 0.27 12.500000 1,099 213 19.38
489868 Confirmed mini7114 02/07 06:12:47 (UTC) 0.26 12.500000 1,073 1,886 175.77
Totals 30,839 24,655 79.95
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.