Block Shares

Block Shares
342636 342637 342638 342639 342640 342641 342642 342643 342644 342645 342646 342647 342648 342649 342650 342651 342652 342653 342654 342655
Expected 5492 5661 5659 5702 6383 6431 6462 6422 6325 6356 6729 6832 6743 7555 8086 7933 7174 8239 7200 7225
Actual 2870 5543 2339 914 2009 3659 3595 3402 3418 5184 4752 4500 1992 4173 4396 17068 561 17528 2562 2082
Average 4227 4671 4408 3277 3405 3654 3683 2945 3042 3293 3482 3377 3343 3668 3907 5248 4945 6357 6272 5961

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,786 154031 153876 155 1.0028 632014945 631287603 99.88% 4992498.1056206 36.26%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 10 10 0 0.4209 17241 9577 55.55% 125.00371527 6.94%
Last 7 Days 1,008 60 60 0 0.3925 96471 73130 75.81% 750.00677716 5.95%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 167 167 0 0.4311 294915 291091 98.70% 2912.50836688 4.14%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1035 1035 0 0.6202 2629353 2599417 98.86% 24612.5356065 2.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
342655 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:53:25 (UTC) 1.76 25.000000 7,225 2,082 28.82
342654 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:49:47 (UTC) 1.76 25.000000 7,200 2,562 35.58
342653 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:45:17 (UTC) 2.01 25.000000 8,239 17,528 212.74
342652 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:13:47 (UTC) 1.75 25.000000 7,174 561 7.82
342651 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 15:12:43 (UTC) 1.94 25.000000 7,933 17,068 215.15
342650 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:40:27 (UTC) 1.97 25.000000 8,086 4,396 54.37
342649 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:32:08 (UTC) 1.84 25.000000 7,555 4,173 55.23
342648 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:24:17 (UTC) 1.65 25.000000 6,743 1,992 29.54
342647 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:20:31 (UTC) 1.67 25.000000 6,832 4,500 65.87
342646 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:12:16 (UTC) 1.64 25.000000 6,729 4,752 70.62
342645 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:03:28 (UTC) 1.55 25.000000 6,356 5,184 81.56
342644 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:53:41 (UTC) 1.54 25.000000 6,325 3,418 54.04
342643 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:47:17 (UTC) 1.57 25.000002 6,422 3,402 52.97
342642 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:40:52 (UTC) 1.58 25.000000 6,462 3,595 55.63
342641 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:34:10 (UTC) 1.57 25.000000 6,431 3,659 56.90
342640 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:27:21 (UTC) 1.56 25.000000 6,383 2,009 31.47
342639 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:23:35 (UTC) 1.39 25.000000 5,702 914 16.03
342638 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:21:45 (UTC) 1.38 25.000000 5,659 2,339 41.33
342637 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:17:17 (UTC) 1.38 25.000000 5,661 5,543 97.92
342636 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 13:06:34 (UTC) 1.34 25.000000 5,492 2,870 52.26
Totals 134,609 92,547 68.75
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.