Block Shares

Block Shares
305625 305626 305628 305630 305632 305633 305636 305640 305645 305649 305652 305654 305657 305658 305663 305672 305673 305686 305689 305691
Expected 4137 4118 4252 5180 5097 4998 5155 4320 5210 5163 5106 4572 4305 4255 6180 4578 4766 4253 4648 3969
Actual 948 643 3164 1650 2592 542 7519 5978 1985 6162 6271 256 4666 1459 8372 6205 4083 14572 6336 3049
Average 2968 1768 1602 1620 1772 1787 1989 2431 2507 3118 3651 3612 3762 3743 4321 4887 4544 5403 5838 5527

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,764 154030 153875 155 1.0028 632013467 631286676 99.89% 4992485.6056206 36.26%
Last Hour 6 2 2 0 0.5317 4356 1364 31.31% 25.00212753 33.33%
Last 24 Hours 144 11 11 0 0.4343 19568 11080 56.62% 137.50447837 7.64%
Last 7 Days 1,008 60 60 0 0.3945 96944 78265 80.73% 750.00677716 5.95%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 166 166 0 0.4316 293437 290164 98.88% 2900.00836688 4.12%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1034 1034 0 0.6205 2627874 2598490 98.88% 24600.0356065 2.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
305691 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 14:30:44 (UTC) 0.97 25.000000 3,969 3,049 76.82
305689 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 14:04:28 (UTC) 1.13 25.000828 4,648 6,336 136.32
305686 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 13:10:48 (UTC) 1.04 25.000000 4,253 14,572 342.63
305673 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 11:04:00 (UTC) 1.16 25.001445 4,766 4,083 85.67
305672 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 10:27:57 (UTC) 1.12 25.000000 4,578 6,205 135.54
305663 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 09:33:45 (UTC) 1.51 25.002489 6,180 8,372 135.47
305658 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 08:19:36 (UTC) 1.04 25.000000 4,255 1,459 34.29
305657 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 08:06:55 (UTC) 1.05 25.000229 4,305 4,666 108.39
305654 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 07:25:34 (UTC) 1.12 25.000000 4,572 256 5.60
305652 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 07:23:20 (UTC) 1.25 25.001541 5,106 6,271 122.82
305649 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 06:29:31 (UTC) 1.26 25.000000 5,163 6,162 119.35
305645 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 05:36:56 (UTC) 1.27 25.000000 5,210 1,985 38.10
305640 Confirmed Kitti 25/10 05:19:34 (UTC) 1.05 25.000000 4,320 5,978 138.38
305636 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 04:28:33 (UTC) 1.26 25.000229 5,155 7,519 145.86
305633 Confirmed a999apple99 25/10 03:27:40 (UTC) 1.22 25.000000 4,998 542 10.84
305632 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 03:23:28 (UTC) 1.24 25.000000 5,097 2,592 50.85
305630 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 03:02:18 (UTC) 1.26 25.000000 5,180 1,650 31.85
305628 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 02:49:14 (UTC) 1.04 25.000687 4,252 3,164 74.41
305626 Confirmed Kitti 25/10 02:23:48 (UTC) 1.01 25.000000 4,118 643 15.61
305625 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 02:18:37 (UTC) 1.01 25.000000 4,137 948 22.92
Totals 94,262 86,452 91.71
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.