Block Shares

Block Shares
305574 305578 305579 305581 305583 305587 305589 305591 305598 305601 305607 305611 305613 305614 305615 305619 305621 305623 305624 305625
Expected 5524 4455 4332 4268 4157 3706 3509 3110 3252 4226 3612 3903 3529 3823 4042 3907 3845 4209 4132 4137
Actual 7226 12144 400 3195 2736 3886 1657 5579 4387 2693 12641 4828 1465 1069 394 5501 1563 1224 45 948
Average 3538 4728 4175 4192 3962 4340 4162 4482 4662 4390 4932 4200 4307 4094 3860 4021 4012 3577 3142 2968

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 426,603 154095 153940 155 1.0025 632114601 631410810 99.89% 4993298.1074072 36.12%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 5 5 0 0.4263 8731 9482 108.60% 62.50003854 3.47%
Last 7 Days 1,008 35 35 0 0.3979 57040 66730 116.99% 437.50017363 3.47%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 164 164 0 0.3950 265367 284287 107.13% 2050.00982921 4.07%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1078 1078 0 0.5991 2645493 2629058 99.38% 24887.53689514 2.23%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
305625 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 02:18:37 (UTC) 1.01 25.000000 4,137 948 22.92
305624 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 02:11:06 (UTC) 1.01 25.000000 4,132 45 1.09
305623 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 02:10:47 (UTC) 1.03 25.000687 4,209 1,224 29.08
305621 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 02:00:58 (UTC) 0.94 25.000000 3,845 1,563 40.65
305619 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 01:48:27 (UTC) 0.95 25.000000 3,907 5,501 140.80
305615 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 01:04:27 (UTC) 0.99 25.000000 4,042 394 9.75
305614 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 01:01:15 (UTC) 0.93 25.000000 3,823 1,069 27.96
305613 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 00:52:46 (UTC) 0.86 25.000458 3,529 1,465 41.51
305611 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 00:41:10 (UTC) 0.95 25.000978 3,903 4,828 123.70
305607 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 00:02:35 (UTC) 0.88 25.000000 3,612 12,641 349.97
305601 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 22:21:08 (UTC) 1.03 25.000000 4,226 2,693 63.72
305598 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 22:00:01 (UTC) 0.79 25.000000 3,252 4,387 134.90
305591 Confirmed a999apple99 24/10 21:25:30 (UTC) 0.76 25.000000 3,110 5,579 179.39
305589 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 20:39:59 (UTC) 0.86 25.000000 3,509 1,657 47.22
305587 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 20:26:36 (UTC) 0.90 25.000000 3,706 3,886 104.86
305583 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 19:54:20 (UTC) 1.01 25.000229 4,157 2,736 65.82
305581 Confirmed Kitti 24/10 19:31:26 (UTC) 1.04 25.001148 4,268 3,195 74.86
305579 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 19:04:37 (UTC) 1.06 25.000000 4,332 400 9.23
305578 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 19:01:13 (UTC) 1.09 25.000458 4,455 12,144 272.59
305574 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 17:17:59 (UTC) 1.35 25.000724 5,524 7,226 130.81
Totals 79,678 73,581 92.35
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.