Block Shares

Block Shares
337041 337042 337043 337044 337045 337046 337047 337048 337049 337050 337051 337052 337053 337054 337055 337056 337057 337058 337059 337060
Expected 6085 6104 6263 6454 6642 6660 7727 8114 9244 9355 9138 9224 7218 7145 7751 7032 6825 7261 7632 7650
Actual 3077 4990 926 4502 47 4384 364 5037 2545 4685 3815 48694 1100 4371 19173 6955 3392 1787 2112 19669
Average 7341 6885 5642 6012 5947 5325 4673 3119 3268 3056 3130 7500 7517 7504 9417 9674 9977 9652 9608 11107

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,975 154038 153883 155 1.0027 632023892 631298821 99.89% 4992585.6056206 36.25%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 6 6 0 0.3189 7837 7424 94.73% 75 4.17%
Last 7 Days 1,008 50 50 0 0.3806 77955 71013 91.09% 625.00676551 4.96%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 164 164 0 0.4272 286940 286649 99.90% 2750.00833282 4.07%
Last 12 Month 48,384 1041 1041 0 0.6176 2633334 2589207 98.32% 24675.0356065 2.15%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
337060 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:49:44 (UTC) 1.87 25.000000 7,650 19,669 257.11
337059 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:25:43 (UTC) 1.86 25.000000 7,632 2,112 27.67
337058 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:23:05 (UTC) 1.77 25.000000 7,261 1,787 24.61
337057 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:20:48 (UTC) 1.67 25.000000 6,825 3,392 49.70
337056 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:16:27 (UTC) 1.72 25.000000 7,032 6,955 98.91
337055 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 17:07:31 (UTC) 1.89 25.000000 7,751 19,173 247.36
337054 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 16:42:18 (UTC) 1.74 25.000000 7,145 4,371 61.18
337053 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 16:36:25 (UTC) 1.76 25.000000 7,218 1,100 15.24
337052 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 16:34:52 (UTC) 2.25 25.000231 9,224 48,694 527.91
337051 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 15:26:41 (UTC) 2.23 25.000000 9,138 3,815 41.75
337050 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 15:21:07 (UTC) 2.28 25.000000 9,355 4,685 50.08
337049 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 15:14:15 (UTC) 2.26 25.000000 9,244 2,545 27.53
337048 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 15:10:26 (UTC) 1.98 25.000000 8,114 5,037 62.08
337047 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 15:02:51 (UTC) 1.89 25.000000 7,727 364 4.71
337046 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 15:02:17 (UTC) 1.63 25.000000 6,660 4,384 65.83
337045 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:55:27 (UTC) 1.62 25.000000 6,642 47 0.71
337044 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:55:20 (UTC) 1.58 25.000000 6,454 4,502 69.76
337043 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:48:08 (UTC) 1.53 25.000000 6,263 926 14.79
337042 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:46:38 (UTC) 1.49 25.000231 6,104 4,990 81.75
337041 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 14:38:36 (UTC) 1.49 25.000000 6,085 3,077 50.57
Totals 149,524 141,625 94.72
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.