Block Shares

Block Shares
361017 361018 361019 361020 361021 361022 361023 361024 361025 361026 361027 361028 361029 361030 361031 361032 361033 361034 361035 361036
Expected 6974 7338 9114 9035 10181 9778 10118 9825 9817 10050 10409 10721 7679 7140 7409 7147 7120 6917 6968 6926
Actual 4424 1076 4861 2825 9101 2919 9281 4001 4804 3136 2907 55664 12632 3557 9595 4887 8776 4456 3552 2158
Average 4337 4225 4453 4508 4844 4924 5394 5345 4533 4643 4491 9950 10727 10800 10850 11046 10996 11041 10916 10818

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 424,154 153992 153837 155 1.0029 631952007 631240951 99.89% 4992010.5988551 36.31%
Last Hour 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 144 4 4 0 0.3705 6071 13143 216.49% 50 2.78%
Last 7 Days 1,008 42 42 0 0.3994 68705 72120 104.97% 525.00118893 4.17%
Last 4 Weeks 4,032 145 145 0 0.4517 268274 287983 107.35% 2850.00174975 3.60%
Last 12 Month 48,384 999 999 0 0.6308 2581055 2571230 99.62% 24200.02894695 2.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
361036 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:35:11 (UTC) 1.69 25.000000 6,926 2,158 31.16
361035 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:31:33 (UTC) 1.70 25.000236 6,968 3,552 50.98
361034 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:25:34 (UTC) 1.69 25.000000 6,917 4,456 64.42
361033 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:18:00 (UTC) 1.74 25.000464 7,120 8,776 123.26
361032 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 04:03:29 (UTC) 1.74 25.000000 7,147 4,887 68.38
361031 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 03:55:29 (UTC) 1.81 25.000000 7,409 9,595 129.50
361030 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 03:39:34 (UTC) 1.74 25.000231 7,140 3,557 49.82
361029 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 03:33:45 (UTC) 1.87 25.000231 7,679 12,632 164.50
361028 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 03:12:58 (UTC) 2.62 25.000923 10,721 55,664 519.21
361027 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:46:54 (UTC) 2.54 25.000000 10,409 2,907 27.93
361026 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:42:31 (UTC) 2.45 25.000000 10,050 3,136 31.20
361025 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:37:44 (UTC) 2.40 25.000231 9,817 4,804 48.94
361024 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:30:27 (UTC) 2.40 25.000000 9,825 4,001 40.72
361023 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:24:28 (UTC) 2.47 25.024065 10,118 9,281 91.73
361022 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:10:31 (UTC) 2.39 25.000000 9,778 2,919 29.85
361021 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 01:06:14 (UTC) 2.49 25.000000 10,181 9,101 89.39
361020 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:52:52 (UTC) 2.21 25.000000 9,035 2,825 31.27
361019 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:48:41 (UTC) 2.22 25.000000 9,114 4,861 53.34
361018 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:41:31 (UTC) 1.79 25.000000 7,338 1,076 14.66
361017 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 00:39:57 (UTC) 1.70 25.000000 6,974 4,424 63.44
Totals 170,666 154,612 90.59
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 140 confirms.